Joining Data in SQL Using PostgreSQL

Course: DataCamp: Joining Data in SQL Notebook Author: Jae Choi

Course Description

In this course you'll learn all about the power of Joining tables while exploring interesting features of countries and their cities throughout the world. You will master Inner and outer Joins, as well as self-Joins, semi-Joins, anti-Joins and cross Joins - fundamental tools in any PostgreSQL wizard's toolbox. You'll fear set theory no more, after learning all about unions, intersections, and except clauses through easy-to-understand diagrams and examples. Lastly, you'll be introduced to the challenging topic of subqueries. You will see a visual perspective to grasp the ideas throughout the course Using the mediums of Venn diagrams and other linking illustrations.


In [1]:
# 1. magic to print version
# 2. magic so that the notebook will reload external python modules
%load_ext watermark
%load_ext autoreload
import psycopg2
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Integer, String
from sqlalchemy import inspect
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint as pp
%watermark -a 'Jae H. Choi' -d -t -v -p psycopg2,sqlalchemy,pandas
Jae H. Choi 2020-08-30 19:19:16

CPython 3.8.3
IPython 7.16.1

psycopg2 2.8.5
sqlalchemy 1.3.18
pandas 1.0.5

PandAs Configuration Options

In [16]:
pd.set_option('max_columns', 200)
pd.set_option('max_rows', 300)
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', True)

PostgreSQL Connection

In order to run this Notebook, install, setup and configure a PostgreSQL databAse with the previously mentioned datAsets. Edit engine to use your databAse username and pAssword.

In [27]:
t_host = "localhost" #"databAse address"
t_port = "5432" #default postgres port
t_dbname = "datacamp" #"databAse name"
t_user = "postgres" #"databAse user name"
t_pw = "1234" #"databAse user pAssword"
db_conn = psycopg2.connect(host=t_host, database=t_dbname, user=t_user, password=t_pw)
# Scheme: "postgres+psycopg2://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>/<DATABASE_NAME>"
engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:1234@localhost/datacamp')
In [28]:
# metadate
meta = MetaData(schema="countries")
# connection
conn = engine.connect()

Example(s) without pd.DataFrames - use fetchall

In [31]:
result = conn.execute("Select datname From pg_database")
rows = result.fetchall()
[x for x in rows]
In [33]:
# schema.table_name
cities = conn.execute("Select * \
            From countries.countries \
            Inner Join countries.cities \
            On countries.cities.country_code = countries.code")
In [34]:
cities_res = cities.fetchall()
cities_list = [x for i, x in enumerate(cities_res) if i < 10]
In [22]:
[('CIV', "Cote d'Ivoire", 'Africa', 'Western Africa', 322463.0, 1960, 'Cote d\x92Ivoire', 'Republic', 'Yamoussoukro', -4.0305, 5.332, 'Abidjan', 'CIV', 4765000.0, None, 4765000.0),
 ('ARE', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Asia', 'Middle East', 83600.0, 1971, 'Al-Imarat al-´Arabiya al-Muttahida', 'Emirate Federation', 'Abu Dhabi', 54.3705, 24.4764, 'Abu Dhabi', 'ARE', 1145000.0, None, 1145000.0),
 ('NGA', 'Nigeria', 'Africa', 'Western Africa', 923768.0, 1960, 'Nigeria', 'Federal Republic', 'Abuja', 7.48906, 9.05804, 'Abuja', 'NGA', 1235880.0, 6000000.0, 1235880.0),
 ('GHA', 'Ghana', 'Africa', 'Western Africa', 238533.0, 1957, 'Ghana', 'Republic', 'Accra', -0.20795, 5.57045, 'Accra', 'GHA', 2070463.0, 4010054.0, 2070463.0),
 ('ETH', 'Ethiopia', 'Africa', 'Eastern Africa', 1104300.0, -1000, 'YeItyop´iya', 'Republic', 'Addis Ababa', 38.7468, 9.02274, 'Addis Ababa', 'ETH', 3103673.0, 4567857.0, 3103673.0),
 ('IND', 'India', 'Asia', 'Southern and Central Asia', 3287260.0, 1947, 'Bharat/India', 'Federal Republic', 'New Delhi', 77.225, 28.6353, 'Ahmedabad', 'IND', 5570585.0, None, 5570585.0),
 ('EGY', 'Egypt', 'Africa', 'Northern Africa', 1001450.0, 1922, 'Misr', 'Republic', 'Cairo', 31.2461, 30.0982, 'Alexandria', 'EGY', 4616625.0, None, 4616625.0),
 ('DZA', 'Algeria', 'Africa', 'Northern Africa', 2381740.0, 1962, 'Al-Jaza\x92ir/Algerie', 'Republic', 'Algiers', 3.05097, 36.7397, 'Algiers', 'DZA', 3415811.0, 5000000.0, 3415811.0),
 ('KAZ', 'Kazakhstan', 'Asia', 'Southern and Central Asia', 2724900.0, 1991, 'Qazaqstan', 'Republic', 'Astana', 71.4382, 51.1879, 'Almaty', 'KAZ', 1703481.0, None, 1703481.0),
 ('TUR', 'Turkey', 'Asia', 'Middle East', 774815.0, 1923, 'Turkiye', 'Republic', 'Ankara', 32.3606, 39.7153, 'Ankara', 'TUR', 5271000.0, 4585000.0, 5271000.0)]

1. Introduction to Joins

In this chapter, you'll be introduced to the concept of Joining tables, and explore the different ways you can enrich your queries Using Inner Joins and self-Joins. You'll also see how to use the cAse statement to split up a field into different categories.

1.1. Introduction to Inner Join

In [39]:
cities = conn.execute("Select * From countries.cities")
cities_df = pd.read_sql("Select * From countries.cities", conn)
name country_code city_proper_pop metroarea_pop urbanarea_pop
0 Abidjan CIV 4765000.0 NaN 4765000.0
1 Abu Dhabi ARE 1145000.0 NaN 1145000.0
2 Abuja NGA 1235880.0 6000000.0 1235880.0
3 Accra GHA 2070463.0 4010054.0 2070463.0
4 Addis Ababa ETH 3103673.0 4567857.0 3103673.0
In [40]:
sql_stmt = "Select * \
            From countries.cities \
            Inner Join countries.countries \
            ON countries.cities.country_code = countries.countries.code"
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
name country_code city_proper_pop metroarea_pop urbanarea_pop code name continent region surface_area indep_year local_name gov_form capital cap_long cap_lat
0 Abidjan CIV 4765000.0 NaN 4765000.0 CIV Cote d'Ivoire Africa Western Africa 322463.0 1960 Cote d’Ivoire Republic Yamoussoukro -4.03050 5.33200
1 Abu Dhabi ARE 1145000.0 NaN 1145000.0 ARE United Arab Emirates Asia Middle East 83600.0 1971 Al-Imarat al-´Arabiya al-Muttahida Emirate Federation Abu Dhabi 54.37050 24.47640
2 Abuja NGA 1235880.0 6000000.0 1235880.0 NGA Nigeria Africa Western Africa 923768.0 1960 Nigeria Federal Republic Abuja 7.48906 9.05804
3 Accra GHA 2070463.0 4010054.0 2070463.0 GHA Ghana Africa Western Africa 238533.0 1957 Ghana Republic Accra -0.20795 5.57045
4 Addis Ababa ETH 3103673.0 4567857.0 3103673.0 ETH Ethiopia Africa Eastern Africa 1104300.0 -1000 YeItyop´iya Republic Addis Ababa 38.74680 9.02274
In [42]:
sql_stmt = "Select As city, \
          As country, \
                   countries.countries.region \
            From countries.cities \
            Inner Join countries.countries ON \
            countries.cities.country_code = countries.countries.code"
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
city country region
0 Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire Western Africa
1 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Middle East
2 Abuja Nigeria Western Africa
3 Accra Ghana Western Africa
4 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Eastern Africa

1.2. Inner Join via Using

Select left_table As L_id
left_table.val As L_val
right_table.val As R_val
From left_table
Inner Join right_table

- When the key field you'd like to Join on is the same name in both tables, you can use a Using clause instead of the ON clause.

Select As L_id
left_table.val As L_val
right_table.val As R_val
From left_table
Inner Join right_table
Using (id);

1.2.1. Countries with prime ministers and presidents

From leaders.presidents As p1
Inner Join leaders.prime_ministers As p2
Using (country);

In [43]:
sql_stmt = "Select, p1.continent, prime_minister, president \
            From leaders.presidents As p1 \
            Inner Join leaders.prime_ministers As p2 \
            Using (country)"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country continent prime_minister president
0 Egypt Africa Sherif Ismail Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
1 Portugal Europe Antonio Costa Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
2 Haiti North America Jack Guy Lafontant Jovenel Moise
3 Vietnam Asia Nguyen Xuan Phuc Tran Dai Quang

1.2.2. Exercises Review Inner Join Using on

Why does the following code result in an error?

Select As country, As language
From countries As c
Inner Join languages As l;

  • Inner Join requires a specification of the key field (or fields) in each table. Inner Join with Using

When Joining tables with a common field name, e.g.

Select *
From countries
Inner Join economies
ON countries.code=economies.code;

You can use Using As a shortcut:

Select *
From countries
Inner Join economies
Using (code);

You'll now explore how this can be done with the countries and languages tables.


  • Inner Join countries on the left and languages on the right with Using(code).
  • Select the fields corresponding to:
    • country name As country,
    • continent name,
    • language name As language, and
    • whether or not the language is official.
  • Remember to aliAs your tables Using the first letter of their names.

-- Select fields and field's name as 'country'
Select As country,
c.continent, As language,
-- From countries (alias As c)
From countries As c
-- Join to languages (As l)
Inner Join languages
As l
-- Match Using code
Using (code);

In [44]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country, \
                    c.continent, \
           As language, \
                    l.official \
From countries.countries As c \
Inner Join countries.languages As l \
Using (code)"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country continent language official
0 Afghanistan Asia Dari True
1 Afghanistan Asia Pashto True
2 Afghanistan Asia Turkic False
3 Afghanistan Asia Other False
4 Albania Europe Albanian True

1.3. Self Joins, just in CASE

1.3.1. self-Join on prime_ministers

In [45]:
sql_stmt = "Select * \
From leaders.prime_ministers"

pm_df = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country continent prime_minister
0 Egypt Africa Sherif Ismail
1 Portugal Europe Antonio Costa
2 Vietnam Asia Nguyen Xuan Phuc
3 Haiti North America Jack Guy Lafontant
4 India Asia Narendra Modi
  • Inner Joins where a table is Joined with itself
    • self Join
  • Explore how to slice a numerical field into categories using the CASE command
  • Self-Joins are used to compare values in a field to other values of the same field From within the same table
  • Recall the prime ministers table:
    • What if you wanted to create a new table showing countries that are in the same continenet matched As pairs?

Select As country1,, As country2,
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1
Inner Join prime_ministers As p2
On p1.continent=p2.continent;

In [48]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country1, \
          As country2, \
                   p1.continent \
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1 \
Inner Join leaders.prime_ministers As p2 \
ON p1.continent = p2.continent"

pm_df_1 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country1 country2 continent
0 Egypt Egypt Africa
1 Portugal Spain Europe
2 Portugal Norway Europe
3 Portugal Portugal Europe
4 Vietnam Oman Asia
  • The country column is Selected twice As well As continent.
  • The prime ministers table is on both the left and the right.
  • The vital step is setting the key columns by which we match the table to itself.
    • For each country, there will be a match if the country in the right table p2 (prime_ministers) is in the same continent.
  • This is a pairing of each country with every other country in its same continent
    • Conditions where country1 = country2 should not be included in the table

1.3.2. Finishing off the self-Join on prime_ministers

Select As country1, As country2,
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1
Inner Join prime_ministers As p2
On p1.continent=p2.continent

In [50]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country1, \
          As country2, \
                   p1.continent \
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1 \
Inner Join leaders.prime_ministers As p2 \
ON p1.continent = p2.continent AND !="

pm_df_2 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country1 country2 continent
0 Portugal Spain Europe
1 Portugal Norway Europe
2 Vietnam Oman Asia
3 Vietnam Brunei Asia
4 Vietnam India Asia
In [51]:
  • And clause can check that multiple conditions are met.
  • Now a match will not be made between prime_minister and itself if the countries match

1.3.3. CASE WHEN and THEN

  • The states table contains numeric data about different countries in the six inhabited world continents
  • Group the year of independence into categories of:
    • before 1900
    • between 1900 and 1930
    • and after 1930

Case is a way to do multiple if-then-else statements

Select name,continent,indep_year,
Case When indep_year < 1900 Then 'before 1900'
When indep_year <= 1930 Then 'between 1900 and 1930'
Else 'after 1930' End
As indep_year_group
From states
Order By indep_year_group;

In [52]:
sql_stmt = "Select name, continent, indep_year, \
    Case When indep_year < 1900 Then 'before 1900' \
        When indep_year <= 1930 Then 'between 1900 and 1930' \
        Else 'after 1930' End \
        As indep_year_group \
    From leaders.states \
    Order By indep_year_group"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name continent indep_year indep_year_group
0 Brunei Asia 1984 after 1930
1 India Asia 1947 after 1930
2 Oman Asia 1951 after 1930
3 Vietnam Asia 1945 after 1930
4 Liberia Africa 1847 before 1900
5 Chile South America 1810 before 1900
6 Haiti North America 1804 before 1900
7 Portugal Europe 1143 before 1900
8 Spain Europe 1492 before 1900
9 Uruguay South America 1828 before 1900
10 Norway Europe 1905 between 1900 and 1930
11 Australia Oceania 1901 between 1900 and 1930
12 Egypt Africa 1922 between 1900 and 1930

1.3.4. Exercises Self-Join

In this exercise, you'll use the populations table to perform a self-Join to calculate the percentage increAse in population From 2010 to 2015 for each country code! Since you'll be Joining the populations table to itself, you can aliAs populations As p1 and also populations As p2. This is good practice whenever you are aliAsing and your tables have the same first letter. Note that you are required to aliAs the tables with self-Joins.

Instructions 1)

  • Join populations with itself ON country_code.
  • Select the country_code From p1 and the size field From both p1 and p2. SQL won't allow same-named fields, so aliAs p1.size As size2010 and p2.size As size2015.

-- Select fields with aliases
Select p1.size As size2010,
p2.size As size2015,
-- From populations (alias As p1)
From countries.populations As p1
-- Join to itself (alias As p2)
Inner Join countries.populations As p2
-- Match on country code
On p1.country_code=p2.country_code;

In [53]:
sql_stmt = "Select p1.size As size2010, \
                    p1.country_code, \
                    p2.size As size2015 \
From countries.populations As p1 \
Inner Join countries.populations As p2 \
On p1.country_code = p2.country_code"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
size2010 country_code size2015
0 101597.0 ABW 103889.0
1 101597.0 ABW 101597.0
2 103889.0 ABW 103889.0
3 103889.0 ABW 101597.0
4 27962208.0 AFG 32526562.0

Instructions 2) Notice From the result that for each country_code you have four entries laying out all combinations of 2010 and 2015.

  • Extend the On in your query to include only those records where the p1.year (2010) matches with p2.year - 5 (2015 - 5 = 2010). This will omit the three entries per country_code that you aren't interested in.

-- Select fields with aliases
Select p1.country_code,
p1.size As size2010,
p2.size As size2015
-- From populations (alias As p1)
From countries.populations As p1
-- Join to itself (alias As p2)
Inner Join countries.populations As p2
-- Match on country code
On p1.country_code=p2.country_code
-- and year (with calculation)
And p1.year=(p2.year-5);

In [54]:
sql_stmt = "Select p1.size As size2010, \
                    p1.country_code, \
                    p2.size As size2015 \
From countries.populations As p1 \
Inner Join countries.populations As p2 \
ON p1.country_code = p2.country_code \
    AND p1.year = (p2.year - 5)"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
size2010 country_code size2015
0 101597.0 ABW 103889.0
1 27962208.0 AFG 32526562.0
2 21219954.0 AGO 25021974.0
3 2913021.0 ALB 2889167.0
4 84419.0 AND 70473.0

Instructions 3)

As you just saw, you can also use SQL to calculate values like p2.year - 5 for you. With two fields like size2010 and size2015, you may want to determine the percentage increAse From one field to the next: With two numeric fields A and B, the percentage growth From A to B can be calculated As $$\frac{(B−A)}{A}∗100.0$$.

Add a new field to Select, aliased As growth_perc, that calculates the percentage population growth From 2010 to 2015 for each country, Using p2.size and p1.size.

Select p1.country_code,
p1.size As size2010,
p2.size As size2015,
-- calculate growth_perc
(p2.size-p1.size)/p1.size*100.0 As growth_perc
-- From populations (alias As p1)
From countries.populations As p1
-- Join to itself (alias As p2)
Inner Join countries.populations As p2
-- Match on country code
On p1.country_code=p2.country_code
-- and year (with calculation)
And p1.year=p2.year-5;

In [55]:
sql_stmt = "Select p1.size As size2010, \
                    p1.country_code, \
                    p2.size As size2015, \
            (p2.size - p1.size)/p1.size * 100.0 As growth_perc \
From countries.populations As p1 \
Inner Join countries.populations As p2 \
ON p1.country_code = p2.country_code \
AND p1.year = (p2.year - 5)"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
size2010 country_code size2015 growth_perc
0 101597.0 ABW 103889.0 2.255972
1 27962208.0 AFG 32526562.0 16.323297
2 21219954.0 AGO 25021974.0 17.917192
3 2913021.0 ALB 2889167.0 -0.818875
4 84419.0 AND 70473.0 -16.519977 Case-When-and-Then">CAse when and then

Often it's useful to look at a numerical field not As raw data, but instead As being in different categories or groups. You can use Case with When, Then, Elese, and End to define a new grouping field.


Using the countries table, create a new field As geosize_group that groups the countries into three groups:

If surface_area is greater than 2 million, geosize_group is 'large'. If surface_area is greater than 350 thousand but not larger than 2 million, geosize_group is 'medium'. Otherwise, geosize_group is 'small'.

Select name, continent, code, surface_area,
-- First case
Case When surface_area > 2000000 Then 'large'
-- Second case
When surface_area > 350000 Then 'medium'
-- Else clause + End
Else 'small' END
-- Alias name
As geosize_group
-- From table
From countries.countries;

In [56]:
sql_stmt = "Select name, continent, code, surface_area, \
                Case When surface_area > 2000000 Then 'large' \
                    When surface_area > 350000 Then 'medium' \
                    Else 'small' End \
                    As geosize_group \
From countries.countries;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
name continent code surface_area geosize_group
0 Afghanistan Asia AFG 652090.0 medium
1 Netherlands Europe NLD 41526.0 small
2 Albania Europe ALB 28748.0 small
3 Algeria Africa DZA 2381740.0 large
4 American Samoa Oceania ASM 199.0 small Inner challenge

The table you created with the added geosize_group field hAs been loaded for you here with the name countries_plus. Observe the use of (and the placement of) the Into command to create this countries_plus table:

Select name,continent,code,surface_area,
Case When surface_area > 2000000 Then 'large'
When surface_area > 350000 Then 'medium'
Else 'small' End
As geosize_group Into countries_plus
From countries.countries;

You will now explore the relationship between the size of a country in terms of surface area and in terms of population Using grouping fields created with Case. By the end of this exercise, you'll be writing two queries back-to-back in a single script. You got this!

Instructions 1) Using the populations table focused only for the year 2015, create a new field As popsize_group to organize population size into

  • 'large' (> 50 million)
  • 'medium' (> 1 million)
  • 'small' (<= 1 million)

Select only the country code, population size, and this new popsize_group As fields.

Select country_code,size,
-- First case
Case When size>50000000 Then 'large'
-- Second case
When size>1000000 Then 'medium'
-- Else clause + End
Else 'small' End
-- Alias name
As popsize_group
-- From table
From countries.populations
-- Focus on 2015
Where year=2015;

In [61]:
sql_stmt = "Select country_code, size, \
                Case When size > 50000000 Then 'large' \
                    When size > 1000000 Then 'medium' \
                    Else 'small' End \
                    As popsize_group \
From countries.populations \
Where year = 2015;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country_code size popsize_group
0 ABW 103889.0 small
1 AFG 32526562.0 medium
2 AGO 25021974.0 medium
3 ALB 2889167.0 medium
4 AND 70473.0 small

Execute the first part on the PostgreSQL schema to create pop_plus

In [66]:
#CREATE TABLE new_table
#      FROM old_table WHERE 1=2)

sql_stmt = "Create Table countries.pop_plus \
                As (Select country_code, size, \
                        Case When size > 50000000 Then 'large' \
                        When size > 1000000 Then 'medium' \
                        Else 'small' End \
                        As popsize_group \
                    From countries.populations \
                    Where year = 2015);"
<sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy at 0x104fe1d30>

Instructions 2)

  • Use Into to save the result of the previous query As pop_plus. You can see an example of this in the countries_plus code in the Assignment text. Make sure to include a ; at the end of your Where clause!
  • Then, include another query below your first query to display all the records in pop_plus Using Select * From pop_plus; so that you generate results and this will display pop_plus in query result.

Select country_code,size,
Case When size>50000000 Then 'large'
When size>1000000 Then 'medium'
Else 'small' End
As popsize_group
-- Into table
Into countries.pop_plus
From populations
Where year=2015;

In [69]:
sql_stmt="Select country_code,size,\
                Case When size>50000000 Then 'large'\
                    When size>1000000 Then 'medium'\
                    Else 'small' End\
                    As popsize_group\
                    Into countries.test1\
            From populations\
            Where year=2015;"
<sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy at 0x115fdabb0>
In [67]:
sql_stmt = "\
SELECT * FROM countries.pop_plus; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country_code size popsize_group
0 ABW 103889.0 small
1 AFG 32526562.0 medium
2 AGO 25021974.0 medium
3 ALB 2889167.0 medium
4 AND 70473.0 small

Instructions 3)

  • Keep the first query intact that creates pop_plus using Into.
  • Write a query to Join countries_plus As c on the left with pop_plus As p on the right matching on the country code fields.
  • Sort the data based on geosize_group, in Ascending order so that large appears on top.
  • Select the name, continent, geosize_group, and popsize_group fields.
In [70]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select, c.continent, c.geosize_group, p.popsize_group \
From countries.countries_plus As c \
Inner Join countries.pop_plus As p \
ON c.code = p.country_code \
ORDER BY geosize_group AsC \

q_df = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name continent geosize_group popsize_group
0 India Asia large large
1 United States North America large large
2 Saudi Arabia Asia large medium
3 China Asia large large
4 Kazakhstan Asia large medium
In [71]:
name continent geosize_group popsize_group
201 Guam Oceania small small
202 Guyana South America small small
203 Hong Kong Asia small medium
204 Honduras North America small medium
205 Croatia Europe small medium

2. Outer Joins and Cross Joins

In this chapter, you'll come to grips with different kinds of outer Joins. You'll learn how to gain further insights into your data through left Joins, right Joins, and full Joins. In addition to outer Joins, you'll also work with cross Joins.

2.1. LEFT and RIGHT Joins

  • You can remember outer Joins As reaching out to another table while keeping all of the records of the original table.
  • Inner Joins keep only the records in both tables.
  • This chapter will explore three types of OUTER Joins:
      • LEFT Joins
      • RIGHT Joins
      • FULL Joins
    1. How a LEFT Join differs From an Inner Join:

Inner Join

From prime_ministers As p1
Inner Join presidents As p2

  • The only records included in the resulting table of the Inner Join query were those in which the id field had matching values.


From prime_ministers As p1
Left Join presidents As p2

  • In contrast, a LEFT Join notes those record in the left table that do not have a match on the key field in the right table.
  • This is denoted in the diagram by the open circles remaining close to the left table for id values of 2 and 3.
  • Whereas the Inner Join kept just the records corresponding to id values 1 and 44, a LEFT Join keeps all of the original records in the left table, but then marks the values as missing in the right table for those that don't have a match.
  • The syntax of the LEFT Join is similar to that of the Inner Join.

LEFT Join multiple matches

  • It isn't always the case that each key value in the left table corresponds to exactly one record in the key column of the right table.
  • Duplicate rows are shown in the LEFT Join for id 1 since it hAs two matches corresponding to the values of R1 and R2 in the right2 table.


Select As R_id
left_table.val As L_val,
right_table.val As R_val,
From left_table
Right Join right_table

  • Instead of matching entries in the id column on the left table to the id column on the right table, a RIGHT Join does the reverse.
    • The resulting table From a RIGHT Join shows the missing entries in the L_val field.
  • In the SQL statement the right table appears after RIGHT Join and the left table appears after From.

2.1.1. Inner Join

In [72]:
sql_stmt = "Select, \
                prime_minister, \
                president \
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1 \
Inner Join leaders.presidents As p2 \
ON ="

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country prime_minister president
0 Egypt Sherif Ismail Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
1 Portugal Antonio Costa Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
2 Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc Tran Dai Quang
3 Haiti Jack Guy Lafontant Jovenel Moise

2.1.2. LEFT Join

  • The first four records are the same as those From Inner Join
  • The following records correspond to the countries that do not have a president and thus their president values are missing.
In [73]:
sql_stmt = "Select, prime_minister, president \
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1 \
LEFT Join leaders.presidents As p2 \
ON ="

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country prime_minister president
0 Egypt Sherif Ismail Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
1 Portugal Antonio Costa Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
2 Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc Tran Dai Quang
3 Haiti Jack Guy Lafontant Jovenel Moise
4 India Narendra Modi None
5 Australia Malcolm Turnbull None
6 Norway Erna Solberg None
7 Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah None
8 Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said None
9 Spain Mariano Rajoy None

2.1.3. Exercises LEFT Join

Now you'll explore the differences between performing an Inner Join and a left Join Using the cities and countries tables. You'll begin by performing an Inner Join with the cities table on the left and the countries table on the right. Remember to aliAs the name of the city field As city and the name of the country field As country. You will then change the query to a left Join. Take note of how many records are in each query here!

Instructions 1)

  • Fill in the code bAsed on the instructions in the code comments to complete the Inner Join. Note how many records are in the result of the Join in the query result tab.

-- Select the city name (with alias), the country code, the country name (with alias), the region, and the city proper population
Select As city,
code,, As country,
-- From left table (with alias)
From cities As c1
-- Join to right table (with alias)
Inner Join countries As c2
-- Match on country code
On c1.country_code=c2.code
Order By code Desc;

In [74]:
sql_stmt = "Select As city, \
                    code, \
           As country, \
                    region, city_proper_pop \
From countries.cities As c1 \
Inner Join countries.countries As c2 \
ON c1.country_code = c2.code \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
city code country region city_proper_pop
0 Harare ZWE Zimbabwe Eastern Africa 1606000.0
1 Lusaka ZMB Zambia Eastern Africa 1742979.0
2 Cape Town ZAF South Africa Southern Africa 3740026.0
3 Johannesburg ZAF South Africa Southern Africa 4434827.0
4 Durban ZAF South Africa Southern Africa 3442361.0

Instructions 2)

Change the code to perform a LEFT Join instead of an Inner Join. After executing this query, note how many records the query result contains.

Select As city,
code,, As country,
From cities As c1
-- Join to right table (with alias)
Left Join countries As c2
-- Match on country code
On c1.country_code=c2.code
Order By code Desc;

In [75]:
sql_stmt = "Select As city, \
                    code, \
           As country,\
                    region, city_proper_pop \
From countries.cities As c1 \
LEFT Join countries.countries As c2 \
ON c1.country_code = c2.code \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
city code country region city_proper_pop
0 Taichung None None None 2752413.0
1 Tainan None None None 1885252.0
2 Kaohsiung None None None 2778918.0
3 Bucharest None None None 1883425.0
4 Taipei None None None 2704974.0 JEFT Join (2)

Next, you'll try out another example comparing an Inner Join to its corresponding left Join. Before you begin though, take note of how many records are in both the countries and languages tables below.

You will begin with an Inner Join on the countries table on the left with the languages table on the right. Then you'll change the code to a left Join in the next bullet.

Note the use of multi-line comments here Using /* and */.

Instructions 1)

  • Perform an Inner Join. AliAs the name of the country field As country and the name of the language field As language.
  • Sort bAsed on desc
In [76]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country, \
                    local_name, \
           As language, \
                    percent \
From countries.countries As c \
Inner Join countries.languages As l \
On c.code = l.code \
Order By country Desc; "

res1 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
print(f'Number of Records: {len(res1)}')
Number of Records: 914
country local_name language percent
0 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Shona NaN
1 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Tonga NaN
2 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Tswana NaN
3 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Venda NaN
4 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Xhosa NaN

Instructions 2)

  • Perform a left Join instead of an Inner Join. Observe the result, and also note the change in the number of records in the result.
  • Carefully review which records appear in the left Join result, but not in the Inner Join result.
In [77]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country, \
                    local_name, \
           As language, \
                    percent \
From countries.countries As c \
LEFT Join countries.languages As l \
On c.code = l.code \
Order By country Desc; \

res2 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
print(f'Number of Records: {len(res2)}')
Number of Records: 921
country local_name language percent
0 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Chibarwe NaN
1 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Shona NaN
2 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Ndebele NaN
3 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe English NaN
4 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Chewa NaN LEFT Join (3)

You'll now revisit the use of the AVG() function introduced in our Intro to SQL for Data Science course. You will use it in combination with left Join to determine the average gross domestic product (GDP) per capita by region in 2010.

Instructions 1)

  • Begin with a left Join with the countries table on the left and the economies table on the right.
  • Focus only on records with 2010 As the year.
In [78]:
sql_stmt = "Select name, \
                region, \
                gdp_percapita \
From countries.countries As c \
LEFT Join countries.economies As e \
On e.code = c.code \
Where year = 2010; \

res1 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
print(f'Number of Records: {len(res1)}')
Number of Records: 185
name region gdp_percapita
0 Afghanistan Southern and Central Asia 539.667
1 Angola Central Africa 3599.270
2 Albania Southern Europe 4098.130
3 United Arab Emirates Middle East 34628.630
4 Argentina South America 10412.950

Instructions 2)

  • Modify your code to calculate the average GDP per capita As avg_gdp for each region in 2010.
  • Select the region and avg_gdp fields.
In [79]:
sql_stmt = "Select region, \
                    AVG(gdp_percapita) As avg_gdp \
From countries.countries As c \
LEFT Join countries.economies As e \
On e.code = c.code \
Where year = 2010 \
Group BY region \
Order BY avg_gdp Desc; \

res2 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
print(f'Number of Records: {len(res2)}')
Number of Records: 23
region avg_gdp
0 Western Europe 58130.961496
1 Nordic Countries 57073.997656
2 North America 47911.509766
3 Australia and New Zealand 44792.384766
4 British Islands 43588.330078

Instructions 3)

  • Arrange this data on average GDP per capita for each region in 2010 From highest to lowest average GDP per capita.
In [80]:
sql_stmt = "Select region, \
            AVG(gdp_percapita) As avg_gdp \
From countries.countries As c \
LEFT Join countries.economies As e \
On e.code = c.code \
Where year = 2010 \
Group BY region;"

res3 = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
print(f'Number of Records: {len(res3)}')
Number of Records: 23
region avg_gdp
0 Southern Africa 5051.597974
1 Caribbean 11413.339454
2 Eastern Africa 1757.348162
3 Southern Europe 22926.410911
4 Eastern Asia 26205.851400 RIGHT Join

Right Joins aren't As common As left Joins. One reAson why is that you can always write a right Join As a left Join.


  • The left Join code is commented out here. Your tAsk is to write a new query Using rights Joins that produces the same result As what the query Using left Joins produces. Keep this left Joins code commented As you write your own query just below it Using right Joins to solve the problem.

  • Note the order of the Joins matters in your conversion to Using right Joins!

  • convert this code to use RIGHT Joins instead of LEFT Joins

Select As city,
urbanarea_pop,, As country, As language,
From cities
Left Join countries
On cities.country_code=countries.code
Left Join languages
On countries.code=languages.code
Order By city, language;

In [82]:
sql_stmt = "Select As city,\
                    urbanarea_pop, \
           As country, \
                    indep_year, \
           As language, \
                    percent \
From countries.languages \
Left Join countries.countries \
On languages.code = countries.code \
Left Join countries.cities \
On cities.country_code = countries.code \
Order BY city, language; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
city urbanarea_pop country indep_year language percent
0 Abidjan 4765000.0 Cote d'Ivoire 1960.0 French NaN
1 Abidjan 4765000.0 Cote d'Ivoire 1960.0 Other NaN
2 Abu Dhabi 1145000.0 United Arab Emirates 1971.0 Arabic NaN
3 Abu Dhabi 1145000.0 United Arab Emirates 1971.0 English NaN
4 Abu Dhabi 1145000.0 United Arab Emirates 1971.0 Hindi NaN

2.2. FULL Joins

  • The last of the three types of OUTER Joins is the FULL Join
  • Explore the difference between FULL Join and other Joins
    • The instruction will focus on comparing them to Inner Joins and LEFT Joins and then to LEFT Joins and RIGHT Joins.
  • Let's review how the diagram changes between and Inner Join and a LEFT Join for our bAsic example Using the left and right tables.
  • Then we'll delve into the FULL Join diagram and is SQL code.
  • Recall that an Inner Join keeps only the records that have matching key field values in both tables.

  • A LEFT Join keeps all of the records in the left table while bringing in missing values for those key field values that don't appear in the right table.

  • Let's review the differences between a LEFT Join and a RIGHT Join.
  • The id values of 2 and 3 in the left table do not match with the id values in the right table, so missing values are brought in for them in the LEFT Join.
  • Likewise for the RIGHT Join, missing values are brought in for id values of 5 and 6.
  • A FULL Join combines a LEFT Join and RIGHT Join As you can see in the diagram.

Select As L_id, As R_id,
left_table.val, As L_val,
right_table.val As R_val
From left_table
Full Join right_table
Using (id);

  • It will bring in all record From both the left and the right table and keep track of the missing values accordingly.
  • Note the missing values here and all six of the values of id are included in the table.
  • You can also see From the SQL code, to produce this FULL Join result, the general format aligns closely with the SQL syntax seen for an Inner Join and a LEFT Join.

2.2.1. FULL Join example using leaders database

  • Let's revisit the example of looking at countries with prime ministers and / or presidents.
  • Query breakdown:
    • The Select statement includes the country field From both tables of interest and also the prime_minister and president fields.
    • The left table is specified As prime_ministers with the aliAs of p1
    • The order matters and if you switched the two tables, the output would be slightly different.
    • The right table is specified As presidents with the aliAs of p2
    • The Join is done bAsed on the key field of country in both tables

Select As pm_co, As pres_co,
From prime_ministers As p1
Full Join presidents As p2

In [83]:
sql_stmt = "Select As pm_co,\
           As pres_co, \
                    prime_minister, \
                    president \
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1 \
FULL Join leaders.presidents As p2 \
ON =;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
pm_co pres_co prime_minister president
0 Egypt Egypt Sherif Ismail Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
1 Portugal Portugal Antonio Costa Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
2 Vietnam Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc Tran Dai Quang
3 Haiti Haiti Jack Guy Lafontant Jovenel Moise
4 India None Narendra Modi None
5 Australia None Malcolm Turnbull None
6 Norway None Erna Solberg None
7 Brunei None Hassanal Bolkiah None
8 Oman None Qaboos bin Said al Said None
9 Spain None Mariano Rajoy None
10 None Uruguay None Jose Mujica
11 None Chile None Michelle Bachelet
12 None Liberia None Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

2.2.2. Exercises FULL Join

In this exercise, you'll examine how your results differ when Using a full Join versus Using a left Join versus Using an Inner Join with the countries and currencies tables.

You will focus on the North American region and also where the name of the country is missing. Dig in to see what we mean!

Begin with a full Join with countries on the left and currencies on the right. The fields of interest have been Selected for you throughout this exercise.

Then complete a similar left Join and conclude with an Inner Join.

Instructions 1)

  • Choose records in which region corresponds to North America or is NULL.

Select name As country,
basic_unit -- From to countries
From countries
-- Join to to currencies
Full Join currencies
Using (code)
-- Where region is North America or null
Where region='North America' Or region Is Null
; Order By region;

In [84]:
sql_stmt = "Select name As country, \
                    code, region, \
                    basic_unit \
From countries.countries \
FULL Join countries.currencies \
Using (code) \
Where region = 'North America' OR region Is Null \
Order BY region;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country code region basic_unit
0 Canada CAN North America Canadian dollar
1 United States USA North America United States dollar
2 Bermuda BMU North America Bermudian dollar
3 Greenland GRL North America None
4 None TMP None United States dollar
5 None FLK None Falkland Islands pound
6 None AIA None East Caribbean dollar
7 None NIU None New Zealand dollar
8 None ROM None Romanian leu
9 None SHN None Saint Helena pound
10 None SGS None British pound
11 None TWN None New Taiwan dollar
12 None WLF None CFP franc
13 None MSR None East Caribbean dollar
14 None IOT None United States dollar
15 None CCK None Australian dollar
16 None COK None New Zealand dollar

Instructions 2)

  • Repeat the same query As above but use a LEFT Join instead of a FULL Join. Note what hAs changed compared to the FULL Join result!

    Select name As country,
    -- From to countries
    From countries
    -- Join to to currencies
    Left Join currencies
    Using (code)
    -- Where region is North America or null
    Where region='North America' Or region Is Null
    ; Order By region;

In [85]:
sql_stmt = "Select name As country, \
                    code, region, basic_unit \
From countries.countries \
LEFT Join countries.currencies \
Using (code) \
Where region = 'North America' OR region Is Null \
ORder BY region;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country code region basic_unit
0 Bermuda BMU North America Bermudian dollar
1 Canada CAN North America Canadian dollar
2 United States USA North America United States dollar
3 Greenland GRL North America None

Instruction 3)

  • Repeat the same query As above but use an Inner Join instead of a FULL Join. Note what hAs changed compared to the FULL Join and LEFT Join results!

Select name As country,
-- From countries
From countries
-- Join to to currencies
Inner Join currencies
Using (code)
-- Where region is North America or null
Where region='North America Or region Is Null
Order By region;

In [86]:
sql_stmt = "Select name As country, \
                    code, region, basic_unit \
From countries.countries \
Inner Join countries.currencies \
Using (code) \
Where region = 'North America' OR region IS null \
Order BY region; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country code region basic_unit
0 Bermuda BMU North America Bermudian dollar
1 Canada CAN North America Canadian dollar
2 United States USA North America United States dollar

Have you kept an eye out on the different numbers of records these queries returned? The FULL Join query returned 17 rows, the LEFT Join returned 4 rows, and the Inner Join only returned 3 rows. Do these results make sense to you? FULL Join (2)

You'll now investigate a similar exercise to the last one, but this time focused on Using a table with more records on the left than the right. You'll work with the languages and countries tables. Begin with a full Join with languages on the left and countries on the right. Appropriate fields have been Selected for you again here. Instructions 1/3

  • Choose records in which starts with the capital letter 'V' or is NULL and arrange by in Ascending order to more clearly see the results.

    Select name As country,
    code, As language
    -- From languages
    From languages
    -- Join to to countries
    Inner Join countries
    Using (code)
    -- Where region starts with V or is null
    Where Like 'V%' Or Is Null
    Order By;

In [87]:
sql_stmt = "Select, code, \
           As language \
From countries.languages \
FULL Join countries.countries \
Using (code) \
Where LIKE 'V%%' OR IS null \
Order BY; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name code language
0 Vanuatu VUT Tribal Languages
1 Vanuatu VUT English
2 Vanuatu VUT French
3 Vanuatu VUT Other
4 Vanuatu VUT Bislama
5 Venezuela VEN Spanish
6 Venezuela VEN indigenous
7 Vietnam VNM Vietnamese
8 Vietnam VNM English
9 Vietnam VNM Other
10 Virgin Islands, British VGB None
11 Virgin Islands, U.S. VIR None
12 None NIU English
13 None NIU Niuean
14 None NIU Other
15 None NFK English
16 None NFK Other
17 None ROM Romanian
18 None ROM Hungarian
19 None ROM Romani
20 None ROM Other
21 None ROM unspecified
22 None SPM French
23 None TWN Mandarin
24 None TWN Taiwanese
25 None TWN Hakka
26 None TKL Tokelauan
27 None TKL English
28 None TKL Samoan
29 None TKL Tuvaluan
30 None TKL Kiribati
31 None TKL Other
32 None AIA English
33 None TKL unspecified
34 None WLF Wallisian
35 None WLF Futunian
36 None WLF French
37 None WLF Other
38 None ESH Standard
39 None ESH Hassaniya
40 None ESH Moroccan
41 None TKL none
42 None CXR English
43 None CXR Chinese
44 None CXR Malay
45 None CCK Malay
46 None CCK English
47 None COK English
48 None COK Rarotongan
49 None COK Other
50 None MSR English
51 None NIU Niuean
52 None NIU Niuean

Instructions 2)

  • Repeat the same query As above but use a left Join instead of a full Join. Note what hAs changed compared to the full Join result!

Select As country,
code, As language
-- From languages
From languages
-- Join to to countries
Left Join countries
Using (code)
-- Where starts with V or is null
Where Like 'V%' Or Is Null
Order By;

In [88]:
sql_stmt = "Select, code, \
       As language \
From countries.languages \
LEFT Join countries.countries \
Using (code) \
Where LIKE 'V%%' OR Is Null \
Order BY;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name code language
0 Vanuatu VUT English
1 Vanuatu VUT Other
2 Vanuatu VUT French
3 Vanuatu VUT Tribal Languages
4 Vanuatu VUT Bislama
5 Venezuela VEN indigenous
6 Venezuela VEN Spanish
7 Vietnam VNM English
8 Vietnam VNM Vietnamese
9 Vietnam VNM Other
10 None NIU Niuean
11 None NIU Niuean
12 None NIU English
13 None NIU Niuean
14 None NIU Other
15 None NFK English
16 None NFK Other
17 None ROM Romanian
18 None ROM Hungarian
19 None ROM Romani
20 None ROM Other
21 None ROM unspecified
22 None SPM French
23 None TWN Mandarin
24 None TWN Taiwanese
25 None TWN Hakka
26 None TKL Tokelauan
27 None TKL English
28 None TKL Samoan
29 None TKL Tuvaluan
30 None TKL Kiribati
31 None TKL Other
32 None TKL none
33 None TKL unspecified
34 None WLF Wallisian
35 None WLF Futunian
36 None WLF French
37 None WLF Other
38 None ESH Standard
39 None ESH Hassaniya
40 None AIA English
41 None ESH Moroccan
42 None CXR English
43 None CXR Chinese
44 None CXR Malay
45 None CCK Malay
46 None CCK English
47 None COK English
48 None COK Rarotongan
49 None COK Other
50 None MSR English

Instructions 3)

  • Repeat once more, but use an Inner Join instead of a left Join. Note what hAs changed compared to the full Join and left Join results.

    Select As country,
    code, As language
    -- From languages
    From languages
    -- Join to countries
    Inner Join countries
    Using (code)
    -- Where starts with V or is null
    Where Like 'V%' Or Is Null
    Order By;

In [89]:
sql_stmt = "Select, code, \
       As language \
From countries.languages \
Inner Join countries.countries \
Using (code) \
Where Like 'V%%' OR IS null \
Order BY;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name code language
0 Vanuatu VUT Tribal Languages
1 Vanuatu VUT Bislama
2 Vanuatu VUT English
3 Vanuatu VUT French
4 Vanuatu VUT Other
5 Venezuela VEN Spanish
6 Venezuela VEN indigenous
7 Vietnam VNM Vietnamese
8 Vietnam VNM English
9 Vietnam VNM Other FULL Join (3)

You'll now explore Using two consecutive full Joins on the three tables you worked with in the previous two exercises.


  • Complete a full Join with countries on the left and languages on the right.
  • Next, full Join this result with currencies on the right.
  • Use LIKE to choose the Melanesia and Micronesia regions (Hint: 'M%esia').
  • Select the fields corresponding to the country name As country, region, language name As language, and basic and fractional units of currency.

Select As country,
region, As language,
-- From countries (alias as c1)
From countries As c1
-- Join to languages
Full Join languages As l
Using (code)
-- Join to currencies (alias as c1)
Full Join currencies As c2
Using (code)
-- Where region like Melanesia and Micronesia
Where region Like 'M%esia';

In [90]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country, region, \
           As language, \
                    basic_unit, frac_unit \
From countries.countries As c1 \
FULL Join countries.languages As l \
Using (code) \
FULL Join countries.currencies As c2 \
Using (code) \
Where region Like 'M%%esia';"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country region language basic_unit frac_unit
0 Kiribati Micronesia English Australian dollar Cent
1 Kiribati Micronesia Kiribati Australian dollar Cent
2 Marshall Islands Micronesia Other United States dollar Cent
3 Marshall Islands Micronesia Marshallese United States dollar Cent
4 Nauru Micronesia Other Australian dollar Cent
5 Nauru Micronesia English Australian dollar Cent
6 Nauru Micronesia Nauruan Australian dollar Cent
7 New Caledonia Melanesia Other CFP franc Centime
8 New Caledonia Melanesia French CFP franc Centime
9 Palau Micronesia Other United States dollar Cent
10 Palau Micronesia Chinese United States dollar Cent
11 Palau Micronesia Filipino United States dollar Cent
12 Palau Micronesia English United States dollar Cent
13 Palau Micronesia Other United States dollar Cent
14 Palau Micronesia Palauan United States dollar Cent
15 Papua New Guinea Melanesia Other Papua New Guinean kina Toea
16 Papua New Guinea Melanesia Hiri Papua New Guinean kina Toea
17 Papua New Guinea Melanesia English Papua New Guinean kina Toea
18 Papua New Guinea Melanesia Tok Pisin Papua New Guinean kina Toea
19 Solomon Islands Melanesia indigenous Solomon Islands dollar Cent
20 Solomon Islands Melanesia English Solomon Islands dollar Cent
21 Solomon Islands Melanesia Melanesian pidgin Solomon Islands dollar Cent
22 Vanuatu Melanesia Other Vanuatu vatu None
23 Vanuatu Melanesia French Vanuatu vatu None
24 Vanuatu Melanesia English Vanuatu vatu None
25 Vanuatu Melanesia Bislama Vanuatu vatu None
26 Vanuatu Melanesia Tribal Languages Vanuatu vatu None
27 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Kapingamarangi None None
28 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Nukuoro None None
29 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Woleaian None None
30 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Ulithian None None
31 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Yapese None None
32 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpeian None None
33 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Kosrean None None
34 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia Chuukese None None
35 Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia English None None
36 Fiji Islands Melanesia None None None
37 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia Other None None
38 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia Other Asian None None
39 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia Chinese None None
40 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia Other Pacific Island None None
41 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia English None None
42 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia Chamorro None None
43 Northern Mariana Islands Micronesia Philippine None None
44 Guam Micronesia Other None None
45 Guam Micronesia Asian None None
46 Guam Micronesia Other Pacific Islander None None
47 Guam Micronesia Chamorro None None
48 Guam Micronesia Filipino None None
49 Guam Micronesia English None None Review OUTER Joins

A(n) ___ Join is a Join combining the results of a ___ Join and a ___ Join. Answer the question

  1. left, full, right
  2. right, full, left
  3. Inner, left, right
  4. None of the above are true</strong>

2.3. Cross-join

CROSS Joins create all possible combinations of two tables.

  • The resulting table is comprised of all 9 combinations if id From table1 and id From table2 (e.g. 1(A-C), 2(A-C), & 3(A-C))

2.3.1. CROSS Join example: Pairing prime ministers with presidents

  • Suppose all prime ministers in North America and Oceania in the prime_ministers table are scheduled for individual meetings with all presidents in the presidents table.
  • All the combinations can be created with a CROSS Join

Select prime_minister,
From prime_ministers As p1
-- Join to languages
Cross Join presidents As p2
Where p1.continent In ('North America', 'Oceania');

In [91]:
sql_stmt = "Select prime_minister, \
                    president \
From leaders.prime_ministers As p1 \
CROSS Join leaders.presidents As p2 \
Where p1.continent IN ('North America', 'Oceania');"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
prime_minister president
0 Jack Guy Lafontant Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
1 Malcolm Turnbull Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
2 Jack Guy Lafontant Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
3 Malcolm Turnbull Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
4 Jack Guy Lafontant Jovenel Moise
5 Malcolm Turnbull Jovenel Moise
6 Jack Guy Lafontant Jose Mujica
7 Malcolm Turnbull Jose Mujica
8 Jack Guy Lafontant Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
9 Malcolm Turnbull Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
10 Jack Guy Lafontant Michelle Bachelet
11 Malcolm Turnbull Michelle Bachelet
12 Jack Guy Lafontant Tran Dai Quang
13 Malcolm Turnbull Tran Dai Quang Exercises

A table of two cities

This exercise looks to explore languages potentially and most frequently spoken in the cities of Hyderabad, India and Hyderabad, Pakistan.

You will begin with a cross Join with cities As c on the left and languages As l on the right. Then you will modify the query Using an Inner Join in the next tab.

Instructions 1)

  • Create the cross Join As described above. (Recall that cross Joins do not use ON or Using.)
  • Make use of LIKE and Hyder% to choose Hyderabad in both countries.
  • Select only the city name As city and language name As language.

Select As city, As language
From cities As c
Cross Join languages As l
Where Like 'Hyder%';

In [94]:
sql_stmt = "Select As city, \
       As language \
From countries.cities As c \
CROSS Join countries.languages As l \
Where Like 'Hyder%%';"

unique_lang = hyderabad_lang['language'].unique()
hyderabad_lang = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
city language
0 Hyderabad (India) Dari
1 Hyderabad Dari
2 Hyderabad (India) Pashto
3 Hyderabad Pashto
4 Hyderabad (India) Turkic
... ... ...
1905 Hyderabad Tswana
1906 Hyderabad (India) Venda
1907 Hyderabad Venda
1908 Hyderabad (India) Xhosa
1909 Hyderabad Xhosa

1910 rows × 2 columns

Instructions 2)

Use an Inner Join instead of a cross Join. Think about what the difference will be in the results for this Inner Join result and the one for the cross Join.

Select As city, As language
From cities As c
Inner Join languages As l
On c.country_code=l.code
Where Like 'Hyder%';

In [95]:
sql_stmt = "Select As city, \
       As language \
From countries.cities As c \
Inner Join countries.languages As l \
On c.country_code = l.code \
Where LIKE 'Hyder%%';"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
city language
0 Hyderabad (India) Hindi
1 Hyderabad (India) Bengali
2 Hyderabad (India) Telugu
3 Hyderabad (India) Marathi
4 Hyderabad (India) Tamil
5 Hyderabad (India) Urdu
6 Hyderabad (India) Gujarati
7 Hyderabad (India) Kannada
8 Hyderabad (India) Malayalam
9 Hyderabad (India) Oriya
10 Hyderabad (India) Punjabi
11 Hyderabad (India) Assamese
12 Hyderabad (India) Maithili
13 Hyderabad (India) Other
14 Hyderabad Punjabi
15 Hyderabad Sindhi
16 Hyderabad Saraiki
17 Hyderabad Pashto
18 Hyderabad Urdu
19 Hyderabad Balochi
20 Hyderabad Hindko
21 Hyderabad Brahui
22 Hyderabad English
23 Hyderabad Burushaski
24 Hyderabad Other

Outer challenge

Now that you're fully equipped to use outer Joins, try a challenge problem to test your knowledge! In terms of life expectancy for 2010, determine the names of the lowest five countries and their regions.


  • Select country name As country, region, and life expectancy As life_exp.
  • Make sure to use LEFT Join, Where, Order BY, and LIMIT.

Select As country,
p.life_expectancy As life_exp
From countries As c
Left Join populations As p
On c.code=l.country_code
Where p.year=2010
Order By life_exp Limit 5;

In [96]:
sql_stmt = "Select As country, \
                    c.region, \
                    p.life_expectancy As life_exp \
From countries.countries As c \
LEFT Join countries.populations As p \
On c.code = p.country_code \
Where p.year = 2010 \
Order BY life_exp \
Limit 5;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country region life_exp
0 Lesotho Southern Africa 47.483414
1 Central African Republic Central Africa 47.625317
2 Sierra Leone Western Africa 48.228950
3 Swaziland Southern Africa 48.345757
4 Zimbabwe Eastern Africa 49.574657

3. Set theory clauses

In this chapter, you'll learn more about set theory Using Venn diagrams and you will be introduced to union, union all, intersect, and except clauses. You'll finish by investigating semi-Joins and anti-Joins, which provide a nice introduction to subqueries.

3.1. State of the UNION

  • Focus on the operations UNION and UNION ALL.
  • In addition to Joining diagrams, you'll see how Venn diagrams can be used to represent set operations.
  • Think of each circle As representing a table of data
  • The shading represents what's included in the result of the set operation From each table.

  • UNION includes every record in both tables, but DOES NOT double count those that are in both tables.

  • UNION ALL includes every record in both tables and DOES replicate those that are in both tables, represented by the black center
  • The two diagrams on the bottom represent only the subsets of data being Selected.
  • INTERSECT results in only those records found in both of the tables.
  • EXCEPT results in only those records in one table, BUT NOT the other.

UNION does have no duplicate while UNION ALL includes all duplicates.

3.1.1. UNION & UNION ALL example

monarchs table in the leaders databAse Use UNION on the prime_ministers and monarchs tables all prime ministers and monarchs

Select prime_minister As leader,
From leaders.prime_ministers
Select monarch,
From leaders.monarchs
Order By country;

  • Note that the prime_minister field hAs been aliAsed As leader. The resulting field from the UNION will have the name leader.
    • This is an important property of set theory clauses
  • The fields included in the operation must be of the same data type since they are returned As a single field.
    • A number field can't be stacked on top of a character field.
  • Spain and Norway have a prime minister and a monarch, while Brunei and Oman have a monarch who also acts As a prime minister.

Select prime_minister As leader,
From leaders.prime_ministers
Select monarch,
From leaders.monarchs
Order By country;

  • UNION and UNION ALL clauses do not do the lookup step that Joins do, they stack records on top of each other From one table to the next.
In [97]:
sql_stmt = "Select * \
From leaders.monarchs;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country continent monarch
0 Brunei Asia Hassanal Bolkiah
1 Oman Asia Qaboos bin Said al Said
2 Norway Europe Harald V
3 Spain Europe Felipe VI
In [98]:
sql_stmt = "Select prime_minister As leader, \
                    country \
From leaders.prime_ministers \
Select monarch, country \
From leaders.monarchs \
ORDER BY country;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
leader country
0 Malcolm Turnbull Australia
1 Hassanal Bolkiah Brunei
2 Sherif Ismail Egypt
3 Jack Guy Lafontant Haiti
4 Narendra Modi India
5 Erna Solberg Norway
6 Harald V Norway
7 Qaboos bin Said al Said Oman
8 Antonio Costa Portugal
9 Mariano Rajoy Spain
10 Felipe VI Spain
11 Nguyen Xuan Phuc Vietnam
In [99]:
sql_stmt = "Select prime_minister As leader, country \
From leaders.prime_ministers \
Select monarch, country \
From leaders.monarchs \
ORDER BY country;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
leader country
0 Malcolm Turnbull Australia
1 Hassanal Bolkiah Brunei
2 Hassanal Bolkiah Brunei
3 Sherif Ismail Egypt
4 Jack Guy Lafontant Haiti
5 Narendra Modi India
6 Erna Solberg Norway
7 Harald V Norway
8 Qaboos bin Said al Said Oman
9 Qaboos bin Said al Said Oman
10 Antonio Costa Portugal
11 Felipe VI Spain
12 Mariano Rajoy Spain
13 Nguyen Xuan Phuc Vietnam

3.1.2. Exercises UNION

Near query result to the right, you will see two new tables with names economies2010 and economies2015.


  • Combine these two tables into one table containing all of the fields in economies2010. The economies table is also included for reference.
  • Sort this resulting single table by country code and then by year, both in Ascending order.

Select *
From countries.economies2010
Select *
From countries.economies2015
Order By code, year;

In [100]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select * \
  From countries.economies2010 \
    UNION \
Select * \
  From countries.economies2015 \
ORDER BY code, year; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
code year income_group gross_savings
0 AFG 2010 Low income 37.133
1 AFG 2015 Low income 21.466
2 AGO 2010 Upper middle income 23.534
3 AGO 2015 Upper middle income -0.425
4 ALB 2010 Upper middle income 20.011
... ... ... ... ...
375 ZAF 2015 Upper middle income 16.460
376 ZMB 2010 Lower middle income 37.404
377 ZMB 2015 Lower middle income 39.177
378 ZWE 2010 Low income 16.109
379 ZWE 2015 Low income 5.563

380 rows × 4 columns UNION (2)

UNION can also be used to determine all occurrences of a field across multiple tables. Try out this exercise with no starter code.


  • Determine all (non-duplicated) country codes in either the cities or the currencies table. The result should be a table with only one field called country_code.
  • Sort by country_code in alphabetical order.

Select country_code
From countries.citie
Select code
From countries.currencies
Order By country_code;

In [101]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select country_code \
From countries.cities \
Select code \
From countries.currencies \
Order BY country_code;"

country_codes = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
In [102]:
200 WSM
201 YEM
202 ZAF
203 ZMB

As you saw, duplicates were removed From the previous two exercises by Using UNION. To include duplicates, you can use UNION ALL.

  • Determine all combinations (include duplicates) of country code and year that exist in either the economies or the populations tables. Order by code then year.
  • The result of the query should only have two columns/fields. Think about how many records this query should result in.
  • You'll use code very similar to this in your next exercise after the video. Make note of this code after completing it.

Select code, year
From countries.economies
Select country_code, year
From countries.populations
Order By code, year;

In [103]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select code, year \
  From countries.economies \
Select country_code, year \
  From countries.populations \
ORDER BY code, year; \

country_codes_year = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
code year
0 ABW 2010
1 ABW 2015
2 AFG 2010
3 AFG 2010
4 AFG 2015
In [104]:
code year
809 ZMB 2015
810 ZWE 2010
811 ZWE 2010
812 ZWE 2015
813 ZWE 2015


Select id
From left_one
Select id
From right_one;

  • The set theory clause INTERSECT works in a similar fAshion to UNION and UNION ALL, but remember From the Venn diagram, INTERSECT only includes those records in common to both tables and fields Selected.

  • The result only includes records common to the tables Selected

  • Determine countries with both a prime minister and president
  • The code for each of these set operations has a similar layout.
    • First Select which fields to include From the first table, and then specify the name of the first table.
    • Specify the set operation to perform
    • Lastly, denote which fields to include From the second table, and then the name of the second table.

Select country
From leaders.prime_ministers
Select country
From leaders.presidents;

What happens if two columns are Selected, instead of one?

Select country,
prime_minister As leader
From leaders.prime_ministers
Select country, president
From leaders.presidents;

  • Will this also give you the names of the countries with both type of leaders?
  • This results in an empty table.
  • When INTERSECT looks at two columns, it includes both columns in the search.
    • It didn't find any countries with prime ministers AND presidents having the same name.
    • INTERSECT looks for records in common, not individual key fields like what a Join does to match.
In [105]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select country \
From leaders.prime_ministers \
Select country \
From leaders.presidents \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 Portugal
1 Egypt
2 Haiti
3 Vietnam

3.2.1. Exercises INTERSECT

Repeat the previous UNION ALL exercise, this time looking at the records in common for country code and year for the economies and populations tables.


  • Again, order by code and then by year, both in Ascending order.
  • Note the number of records here (given at the bottom of query result) compared to the similar UNION ALL query result (814 records).

Select code, year
From countries.economies
Select country_code, year
From countries.populations
Order By code, year;

In [106]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select code, year \
  From countries.economies \
Select country_code, year \
  From countries.populations \
ORDER BY code, year; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
code year
0 AFG 2010
1 AFG 2015
2 AGO 2010
3 AGO 2015
4 ALB 2010
... ... ...
375 ZAF 2015
376 ZMB 2010
377 ZMB 2015
378 ZWE 2010
379 ZWE 2015

380 rows × 2 columns INTERSECT (2)

As you think about major world cities and their corresponding country, you may Ask which countries also have a city with the same name As their country name?


  • Use INTERSECT to answer this question with countries and cities!
In [107]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name \
  From countries.countries \
Select name \
  From countries.cities; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 Singapore
1 Hong Kong

Hong Kong is part of China, but it appears separately here because it hAs its own ISO country code. Depending upon your analysis, treating Hong Kong separately could be useful or a mistake. Always check your datAset closely before you perform an analysis! Review UNION and INTERSECT

Which of the following combinations of terms and definitions is correct?

Answer the question

  1. UNION: returns all records (potentially duplicates) in both tables
  2. UNION ALL: returns only unique records
  3. INTERSECT: returns only records appearing in both tables</strong>
  4. None of the above are matched correctly


Select monarch, country
From leaders.monarchs
Select prime_minister, country
From leaders.prime_ministers;

  • EXCEPT includes only the records in one table, but not in the other.
  • There are some monarchs that also act As the prime minister. One way to determine those monarchs in the monarchs table that do not also hold the title prime minister, is to use the EXCEPT clause.

  • This SQL query Selects the monarch field From monarchs, then looks for common entries with the prime_ministers field, while also keeping track of the country for each leader.

  • Only the two European monarchs are not also prime ministers in the leaders database.

  • Only the records that appear in the left table, BUT DO NOT appear in the right table are included.

In [108]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select monarch, country \
From leaders.monarchs \
Select prime_minister, country \
From leaders.prime_ministers; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
monarch country
0 Harald V Norway
1 Felipe VI Spain

3.3.1. Exercises EXCEPT

Get the names of cities in cities which are not noted As capital cities in countries As a single field result.

Note that there are some countries in the world that are not included in the countries table, which will result in some cities not being labeled As capital cities when in fact they are.


  • Order the resulting field in Ascending order.
  • Can you spot the city/cities that are actually capital cities which this query misses?
In [109]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name \
  From countries.cities \
    EXCEPT \
Select capital \
  From countries.countries \
ORDER BY name; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
0 Abidjan
1 Ahmedabad
2 Alexandria
3 Almaty
4 Auckland EXCEPT (2)

Now you will complete the previous query in reverse!

Determine the names of capital cities that are not listed in the cities table.


  • Order by capital in Ascending order.
  • The cities table contains information about 236 of the world's most populous cities. The result of your query may surprise you in terms of the number of capital cities that DO NOT appear in this list!
In [110]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select capital \
  From countries.countries \
    EXCEPT \
Select name \
  From countries.cities \
ORDER BY capital; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
0 Agana
1 Amman
2 Amsterdam
3 Andorra la Vella
4 Antananarivo

3.4. Semi-Joins and Anti-Joins

  • The previous six Joins are all additive Joins, in that they add columns to the original left table.
    • Inner Join
    • SELF Join
    • LEFT Join
    • RIGHT Join
    • FULL Join
    • CROSS Join
  • The lAst two Joins use a right table to determine which records to keep in the left table.

    • Use these lAst to Joins in a way similar to a WHERE clause dependent on the values of a second table.
  • semi-Joins and anti-Joins don't have the same built-in SQL syntax that Inner Join and LEFT Join have.

  • semi-Joins and anti-Joins are useful tools in filtering table records on the records of another table.
  • The challenge will be to combine set theory clauses with semi-Joins.

3.4.1. SEMI Join

  • Determine the presidents of countries that gained independence before 1800.

Select president, country, continent
From leaders.presidents
Where country In
(Select name
From leaders.states
Where indep_year<1800);

This is an example of a subquery, which is a query that sits inside another query.

  • Does this include the presidents of Spain and Portugal?

    • Since Spain does not have a president, it's not included here and only the Portuguese president is listed.
  • The semi-Join chooses records in the first table where a condition IS met in the second table.

  • The semi-Join matches records by key field in the right table with those in the left.
  • It then picks out only the rows in the left table that match the condition.
In [111]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select president, country, continent \
From leaders.presidents \
WHERE country IN \
    (Select name \
     From leaders.states \
     WHERE indep_year < 1800); \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
president country continent
0 Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa Portugal Europe

3.4.2. ANTI Join

  • Determine countries in the AmericAs founded after 1800.

Select president, country, continent
From leaders.presidents
Where continent Like '%America'
And country Not In
(Select name
From leaders.states
Where indep_year<1800);

  • An anti-Join chooses records in the first table where a condition IS NOT met in the second table.
  • Use NOT to exclude those countries in the subquery.
  • The anti-Join picks out those columns in the left table that do not match the condition on the right table.
In [112]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select president, country, continent \
From leaders.presidents \
WHERE continent LIKE '%%America' \
    AND country NOT IN \
        (Select name \
         From leaders.states \
         WHERE indep_year < 1800); \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
president country continent
0 Jovenel Moise Haiti North America
1 Jose Mujica Uruguay South America
2 Michelle Bachelet Chile South America

3.4.3. Exercises Semi-Join

You are now going to use the concept of a semi-Join to identify languages spoken in the Middle East.

Instructions 1)

  • Flash back to our Intro to SQL for Data Science course and begin by Selecting all country codes in the Middle EAst As a single field result Using Select, From, and Where.
In [114]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select code \
From countries.countries \
Where region = 'Middle East'; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
10 CYP
11 LBN
12 OMN
13 QAT
14 SAU
15 SYR
16 TUR
17 PSE

You are now going to use the concept of a semi-Join to identify languages spoken in the Middle East.

Instructions 2)

  • Comment out the answer to the previous tab by surrounding it in /* and */. You'll come back to it!
  • Below the commented code, Select only unique languages by name appearing in the languages table.
  • Order the resulting single field table by name in Ascending order.
In [115]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select DISTINCT name \
From countries.languages \
ORDER BY name; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 Afar
1 Afrikaans
2 Akyem
3 Albanian
4 Alsatian
... ...
391 siSwati
392 sign
393 tribal
394 unknown
395 unspecified

396 rows × 1 columns

You are now going to use the concept of a semi-Join to identify languages spoken in the Middle East.

Instructions 3)

Now combine the previous two queries into one query:

  • Add a Where In statement to the Select Distinct query, and use the commented out query From the first instruction in there. That way, you can determine the unique languages spoken in the Middle EAst.

Carefully review this result and its code after completing it. It serves As a great example of subqueries, which are the focus of Chapter 4.

In [118]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select DISTINCT name \
From countries.languages \
Where code In \
 (Select code \
  From countries.countries \
  Where region = 'Middle East') \
Order BY name; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 Arabic
1 Aramaic
2 Armenian
3 Azerbaijani
4 Azeri
5 Baluchi
6 Bulgarian
7 Circassian
8 English
9 Farsi
10 Filipino
11 French
12 Georgian
13 Greek
14 Hebrew
15 Hindi
16 Indian
17 Kurdish
18 Other
19 Persian
20 Romanian
21 Russian
22 Syriac
23 Turkish
24 Turkmen
25 Urdu
26 unspecified Relating semi-Join to a tweaked Inner Join<

Let's revisit the code From the previous exercise, which retrieves languages spoken in the Middle East.

Select Distinct name
From languages
Where code In
(Select name
From countries
Where region='Middle East')
Order By name;

Sometimes problems solved with semi-Joins can also be solved Using an Inner Join.

Select Distinct As language
From languages
Inner Join countries On languages.code = countries.code
Where region='Middle East')
Order By language;

This Inner Join isn't quite right. What is missing From this second code block to get it to match with the correct answer produced by the first block?

Possible Answers

  1. HAVING instead of WHERE
  2. DISTINCT</strong>
In [120]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select DISTINCT As language \
From countries.languages \
Inner Join countries.countries \
On languages.code = countries.code \
Where region = 'Middle East' \
Order BY language;"

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 Arabic
1 Aramaic
2 Armenian
3 Azerbaijani
4 Azeri
5 Baluchi
6 Bulgarian
7 Circassian
8 English
9 Farsi
10 Filipino
11 French
12 Georgian
13 Greek
14 Hebrew
15 Hindi
16 Indian
17 Kurdish
18 Other
19 Persian
20 Romanian
21 Russian
22 Syriac
23 Turkish
24 Turkmen
25 Urdu
26 unspecified Diagnosing problems Using anti-Join

Another powerful Join in SQL is the anti-Join. It is particularly useful in identifying which records are caUsing an incorrect number of records to appear in Join queries.

You will also see another example of a subquery here, As you saw in the first exercise on semi-Joins. Your goal is to identify the currencies used in Oceanian countries!

Instructions 1)

  • Begin by determining the number of countries in countries that are listed in Oceania Using Select, From, and WHERE.
In [121]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select count(name) \
From countries.countries \
Where continent = 'Oceania'; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 19

Instructions 2)

  • Complete an Inner Join with countries As c1 on the left and currencies As c2 on the right to get the different currencies used in the countries of Oceania.
  • Match ON the code field in the two tables.
  • Include the country code, country name, and bAsic_unit As currency.

Observe query result and make note of how many different countries are listed here.

In [122]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select c1.code, \, \
        c2.bAsic_unit As currency \
From countries.countries As c1 \
Inner Join countries.currencies As c2 \
On c1.code = c2.code \
Where continent = 'Oceania'; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
code name currency
0 AUS Australia Australian dollar
1 PYF French Polynesia CFP franc
2 KIR Kiribati Australian dollar
3 MHL Marshall Islands United States dollar
4 NRU Nauru Australian dollar
5 NCL New Caledonia CFP franc
6 NZL New Zealand New Zealand dollar
7 PLW Palau United States dollar
8 PNG Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinean kina
9 WSM Samoa Samoan tala
10 SLB Solomon Islands Solomon Islands dollar
11 TON Tonga Tongan paʻanga
12 TUV Tuvalu Australian dollar
13 TUV Tuvalu Tuvaluan dollar
14 VUT Vanuatu Vanuatu vatu

Instructions 3)

Note that not all countries in Oceania were listed in the resulting Inner Join with currencies. Use an anti-Join to determine which countries were not included!

  • Use NOT IN and (Select code From currencies) As a subquery to get the country code and country name for the Oceanian countries that are not included in the currencies table.
In [123]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select code, name \
  From countries.countries \
  WHERE continent = 'Oceania' \
    AND code NOT IN \
    (Select code \
     From countries.currencies); \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
code name
0 ASM American Samoa
1 FJI Fiji Islands
2 GUM Guam
3 FSM Micronesia, Federated States of
4 MNP Northern Mariana Islands Set theory challenge

Congratulations! You've now made your way to the challenge problem for this third chapter. Your tAsk here will be to incorporate two of UNION/UNION ALL/INTERSECT/EXCEPT to solve a challenge involving three tables.

In addition, you will use a subquery As you have in the lAst two exercises! This will be great practice As you hop into subqueries more in Chapter 4!


  • Identify the country codes that are included in either economies or currencies but not in populations.
  • Use that result to determine the names of cities in the countries that match the specification in the previous instruction.
In [125]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select country_code, name \
From countries.cities As c1 \
Where country_code In \
    (Select e.code \
     From countries.economies As e \
     UNION ALL \
     Select c2.code \
     From countries.currencies As c2 \
     EXCEPT \
     Select p.country_code \
     From countries.populations As p); \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country_code name
0 ROM Bucharest
1 TWN Kaohsiung
2 TWN New Taipei City
3 TWN Taichung
4 TWN Tainan
5 TWN Taipei

4. Subqueries

In this closing chapter, you'll learn how to use nested queries to add some finesse to your data insights. You'll also wrap all of the content covered throughout this course into solving three challenge problems.

4.1. Subqueries inside WHERE and Select clauses

  • The most common type of subquery is one inside of a WHERE statement.
    • Examples include semi-Join and anti-Join
In [126]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name, fert_rate \
From leaders.states \
Where continent = 'Asia' \
And fert_rate <  \
(Select AVG(fert_rate) \
 From leaders.states); \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name fert_rate
0 Brunei 1.96
1 Vietnam 1.70
  • The second most common type of subquery is inside of a Select clause.

Count the number of countries listed in states table for each continent in the prime_ministers table.

Continents in the prime_ministers table

Determine the counts of the number of countries in states for each of the continents in the lAst slide

Select count(name)
From leaders.states
Where continent In
(Select Distinct continent
From leaders.prime_ministers);
-- From languages

Select Distinct continent,
(Select Count(*)
From leaders.states
Where prime_ministers.continent = states.continent) As countries_num
From leaders.prime_ministers;

  • The subquery involving states, can also reference the prime_ministers table in the main query.
  • Anytime you do a subquery inside a Select statement, you need to give the subquery an aliAs (e.g. countries_num in the example)
  • There are numerous ways to solve problems with SQL queries. A carefully constructed Join could achieve this same result.
In [127]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select DISTINCT continent, \
            (Select COUNT(*) \
             From leaders.states \
             Where prime_ministers.continent = states.continent) As countries_num \
From leaders.prime_ministers \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
continent countries_num
0 Africa 2
1 Asia 4
2 Europe 3
3 North America 1
4 Oceania 1

4.1.1. Exercises Subquery inside WHERE

You'll now try to figure out which countries had high average life expectancies (at the country level) in 2015.

Instructions 1)

  • Begin by calculating the average life expectancy across all countries for 2015.
In [128]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select avg(life_expectancy) \
  From countries.populations \
Where year = 2015; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 71.676342

Instructions 2)

  • Recall that you can use SQL to do calculations for you. Suppose we wanted only records that were above 1.15 * 100 in terms of life expectancy for 2015:

    Select *,
    From populations
    Where life_expectancy>1.15*100 And year=2015;

  • Select all fields From populations with records corresponding to larger than 1.15 times the average you calculated in the first tAsk for 2015. In other words, change the 100 in the example above with a subquery.
In [132]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select * \
From countries.populations \
Where life_expectancy > 1.15 * \
           (Select avg(life_expectancy) \
           From countries.populations \
           Where year = 2015) And year = 2015; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
pop_id country_code year fertility_rate life_expectancy size
0 21 AUS 2015 1.833 82.451220 23789752.0
1 376 CHE 2015 1.540 83.197560 8281430.0
2 356 ESP 2015 1.320 83.380486 46443992.0
3 134 FRA 2015 2.010 82.670730 66538392.0
4 170 HKG 2015 1.195 84.278046 7305700.0
5 174 ISL 2015 1.930 82.860980 330815.0
6 190 ITA 2015 1.370 83.490240 60730584.0
7 194 JPN 2015 1.460 83.843660 126958470.0
8 340 SGP 2015 1.240 82.595120 5535002.0
9 374 SWE 2015 1.880 82.551216 9799186.0 Subquery inside WHERE (2)

Use your knowledge of subqueries in Where to get the urban area population for only capital cities.


  • Make use of the capital field in the countries table in your subquery.
  • Select the city name, country code, and urban area population fields.
In [130]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name, country_code, urbanarea_pop \
  From countries.cities \
Where name In \
  (Select capital \
   From countries.countries) \
Order BY urbanarea_pop Desc; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name country_code urbanarea_pop
0 Beijing CHN 21516000.0
1 Dhaka BGD 14543124.0
2 Tokyo JPN 13513734.0
3 Moscow RUS 12197596.0
4 Cairo EGY 10230350.0
5 Kinshasa COD 10130000.0
6 Jakarta IDN 10075310.0
7 Seoul KOR 9995784.0
8 Mexico City MEX 8974724.0
9 Lima PER 8852000.0
10 London GBR 8673713.0
11 Bangkok THA 8280925.0
12 Tehran IRN 8154051.0
13 Bogota COL 7878783.0
14 Baghdad IRQ 7180889.0
15 Hanoi VNM 6844100.0
16 Santiago CHL 5743719.0
17 Riyadh SAU 5676621.0
18 Singapore SGP 5535000.0
19 Ankara TUR 5271000.0
20 Khartoum SDN 3639598.0
21 Berlin DEU 3517424.0
22 Algiers DZA 3415811.0
23 Kabul AFG 3414100.0
24 Pyongyang PRK 3255388.0
25 Madrid ESP 3207247.0
26 Baku AZE 3202300.0
27 Nairobi KEN 3138369.0
28 Addis Ababa ETH 3103673.0
29 Buenos Aires ARG 3054300.0
30 Kiev UKR 2908703.0
31 Rome ITA 2877215.0
32 Luanda AGO 2825311.0
33 Quito ECU 2671191.0
34 Managua NIC 2560789.0
35 Brasilia BRA 2556149.0
36 Yaounde CMR 2440462.0
37 Tashkent UZB 2309600.0
38 Phnom Penh KHM 2234566.0
39 Paris FRA 2229621.0
40 Ouagadougou BFA 2200000.0
41 Guatemala City GTM 2110100.0
42 Havana CUB 2106146.0
43 Accra GHA 2070463.0
44 Minsk BLR 1959781.0
45 Caracas VEN 1943901.0
46 Sana'a YEM 1937451.0
47 Islamabad PAK 1900000.0
48 Vienna AUT 1863881.0
49 Brazzaville COG 1827000.0
50 Manila PHL 1780148.0
51 Kuala Lumpur MYS 1768000.0
52 Maputo MOZ 1766184.0
53 Budapest HUN 1759407.0
54 Warsaw POL 1753977.0
55 Lusaka ZMB 1742979.0
56 Harare ZWE 1606000.0
57 Kampala UGA 1507080.0
58 Prague CZE 1324000.0
59 Montevideo URY 1305082.0
60 Abuja NGA 1235880.0
61 Dakar SEN 1146053.0
62 Abu Dhabi ARE 1145000.0
63 Tripoli LBY 1126000.0
64 Yerevan ARM 1060138.0
65 Tunis TUN 1056247.0 Subquery inside Select

In this exercise, you'll see how some queries can be written Using either a Join or a subquery.

You have seen previously how to use GROUP BY with aggregate functions and an Inner Join to get summarized information From multiple tables.

The code given in query.sql Selects the top nine countries in terms of number of cities appearing in the cities table. Recall that this corresponds to the most populous cities in the world. Your tAsk will be to convert the commented out code to get the same result As the code shown.

Instructions 1)

Submit your Answer:

In [131]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select As country, \
        COUNT(*) As cities_num \
From countries.cities \
Inner Join countries.countries \
On countries.code = cities.country_code \
Group BY country \
Order BY cities_num Desc, country \
LIMIT 9; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country cities_num
0 China 36
1 India 18
2 Japan 11
3 Brazil 10
4 Pakistan 9
5 United States 9
6 Indonesia 7
7 Russian Federation 7
8 South Korea 7

Instructions 2)

  • Remove the comments around the second query and comment out the first query instead.
  • Convert the GROUP BY code to use a subquery inside of Select, i.e. fill in the blanks to get a result that matches the one given Using the GROUP BY code in the first query.
  • Again, sort the result by cities_num descending and then by country Ascending.
In [133]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select As country, \
      (Select count(*) \
       From countries.cities \
       Where countries.code = cities.country_code) As cities_num \
From countries.countries \
Order BY cities_num Desc, country \
LIMIT 9; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country cities_num
0 China 36
1 India 18
2 Japan 11
3 Brazil 10
4 Pakistan 9
5 United States 9
6 Indonesia 7
7 Russian Federation 7
8 South Korea 7

4.2. Subquery inside From clause

The last basic type of subquery exists inside of a From clause. Determine the maximum percentage of women in parliament for each continent listing in leaders.states

Select continent,
Max(women_parli_perc) As max_perc
From states
Group By continent
Order By continent;

  • This query will only work if continent is included As one of th fields in the Select clause, since we are grouping bAsed on that field.
In [134]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select continent, MAX(women_parli_perc) As max_perc \
From leaders.states \
Group BY continent \
Order BY continent; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
continent max_perc
0 Africa 14.90
1 Asia 24.00
2 Europe 39.60
3 North America 2.74
4 Oceania 32.74
5 South America 22.31

FocUsing on records in monarchs

  • Multiple tables can be included in the From clause, by adding a comma between them

  • Produces part of the answer; how should duplicates be removed?

In [135]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select monarchs.continent \
From leaders.monarchs, leaders.states \
Where monarchs.continent = states.continent \
Order BY continent; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 Asia
1 Asia
2 Asia
3 Asia
4 Asia
5 Asia
6 Asia
7 Asia
8 Europe
9 Europe
10 Europe
11 Europe
12 Europe
13 Europe

Finishing the subquery

  • To get Asia and Europe to appear only once, use DISTINCT in the Select statement.

  • How is the max_perc column included with continent? Instead of including states in the From clause, include the subquery instead and aliAs it with a name like subquery.

  • This is how to include a subquery As a temporary table in the From clause.

In [136]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select DISTINCT monarchs.continent, subquery.max_perc \
From leaders.monarchs, \
    (Select continent, MAX(women_parli_perc) As max_perc \
     From leaders.states \
     GROUP BY continent) As subquery \
WHere monarchs.continent = subquery.continent \
Order BY continent; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
continent max_perc
0 Asia 24.0
1 Europe 39.6

4.2.1. Exercises Subquery inside From

The last type of subquery you will work with is one inside of From.

You will use this to determine the number of languages spoken for each country, identified by the country's local name! (Note this may be different than the name field and is stored in the local_name field.)

Instructions 1)

Begin by determining for each country code how many languages are listed in the languages table using Select, From, and GROUP BY. Alias the aggregated field As lang_num.

In [137]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select code, count(name) As lang_num \
From countries.languages \
GROUP BY code \
ORDER BY lang_num DESC; \

lang_count = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
  code  lang_num
0  ZMB        19
1  ZWE        16
2  ETH        16
3  IND        14
4  NPL        14
    code  lang_num
207  COL         1
208  AIA         1
209  DOM         1
210  SAU         1
211  PRK         1

Instructions 2)

  • Include the previous query (aliAsed As subquery) As a subquery in the From clause of a new query.
  • Select the local name of the country From countries.
  • Also, Select lang_num From subquery.
  • Make sure to use WHERE appropriately to match code in countries and in subquery.
  • Sort by lang_num in descending order.
In [139]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select local_name, \
        subquery.lang_num \
From countries.countries, \
        (Select code, count(name) As lang_num \
         From countries.languages \
         Group BY code) As subquery \
         Where countries.code = subquery.code \
Order BY lang_num DESC; \

lang_count = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
     local_name  lang_num
0        Zambia        19
1   YeItyop´iya        16
2      Zimbabwe        16
3  Bharat/India        14
4         Nepal        14
                       local_name  lang_num
194          Republica Dominicana         1
195  The Turks and Caicos Islands         1
196                     Nederland         1
197                United Kingdom         1
198                        Brasil         1 Advanced subquery

You can also nest multiple subqueries to answer even more specific questions. In this exercise, for each of the six continents listed in 2015, you'll identify which country had the maximum inflation rate (and how high it was) Using multiple subqueries. The table result of your query in Task 3 should look something like the following, where anything between < > will be filled in with appropriate values:

name continent inflation_rate
<country1> North America <max_inflation1>
<country2> Africa <max_inflation2>
<country3> Oceania <max_inflation3>
<country4> Europe <max_inflation4>
<country5> South America <max_inflation5>
<country6> Asia <max_inflation6>

</code></pre> Again, there are multiple ways to get to this solution Using only Joins, but the focus here is on showing you an introduction into advanced subqueries.

Instructions 1)

  • Create an Inner Join with countries on the left and economies on the right with Using. Do not alias your tables or columns.
  • Retrieve the country name, continent, and inflation rate for 2015.
In [140]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name, continent, inflation_rate \
  From countries.countries \
    Inner Join countries.economies \
    Using (code) \
WHERE year = 2015; \

inf_rate = pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
                   name      continent  inflation_rate
0           Afghanistan           Asia          -1.549
1                Angola         Africa          10.287
2               Albania         Europe           1.896
3  United Arab Emirates           Asia           4.070
4             Argentina  South America             NaN
             name continent  inflation_rate
180         Samoa   Oceania           1.923
181         Yemen      Asia          39.403
182  South Africa    Africa           4.575
183        Zambia    Africa          10.107
184      Zimbabwe    Africa          -2.410

Instructions 2)

  • Determine the maximum inflation rate for each continent in 2015 Using the previous query As a subquery called subquery in the From clause.
  • Select the maximum inflation rate As max_inf grouped by continent.
  • This will result in the six maximum inflation rates in 2015 for the six continents as one field table. (Don't include continent in the outer Select statement.)
In [141]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select max(inflation_rate) As max_inf \
  From ( \
      Select name, continent, inflation_rate \
      From countries.countries \
      Inner Join countries.economies \
      Using (code) \
      WHERE year = 2015) As subquery \
GROUP BY continent; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
0 21.858
1 39.403
2 121.738
3 7.524
4 48.684
5 9.784

Instructions 3)

  • Append the second part's query to the first part's query using Where, And, and In to obtain the name of the country, its continent, and the maximum inflation rate for each continent in 2015. Revisit the sample output in the Assignment text at the beginning of the exercise to see how this matches up.
  • For the sake of practice, change all Joining conditions to use On instead of Using.
  • This code works since each of the six maximum inflation rate values occur only once in the 2015 data. Think about whether this particular code involving subqueries would work in cAses where there are ties for the maximum inflation rate values.
In [142]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name, continent, inflation_rate \
  From countries.countries \
    Inner Join countries.economies \
    ON countries.code = economies.code \
  WHERE year = 2015 \
    AND inflation_rate IN ( \
         Select max(inflation_rate) As max_inf \
         From ( \
               Select name, continent, inflation_rate \
               From countries.countries \
               Inner Join countries.economies \
               ON countries.code = economies.code \
               WHERE year = 2015) As subquery \
        GROUP BY continent); \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name continent inflation_rate
0 Haiti North America 7.524
1 Malawi Africa 21.858
2 Nauru Oceania 9.784
3 Ukraine Europe 48.684
4 Venezuela South America 121.738
5 Yemen Asia 39.403 Subquery challenge

Let's test your understanding of the subqueries with a challenge problem! Use a subquery to get 2015 economic data for countries that do not have

  • gov_form of 'Constitutional Monarchy' or
  • 'Republic' in their gov_form.

Here, gov_form stands for the form of the government for each country. Review the different entries for gov_form in the countries table.


  • Select the country code, inflation rate, and unemployment rate.
  • Order by inflation rate Ascending.
  • Do not use table aliAsing in this exercise.

-- Select fields
Select code,
-- From economies
From economies
-- Where year is 2015 and code is not in
Where year=2015 And code Not In
-- Subquery of the codes that gov_form is 'Constitutional Monarchy' or '%Republic'
(Select code
From countries
Where (gov_form='Constitutional Monarchy' Or gov_form Like '%Republic'))
-- Order by inflation rate
Order By inflation_rate;

In [143]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select code, inflation_rate, unemployment_rate \
From countries.economies \
Where year = 2015 Ans code Not In \
    (Select code \
     From countries.countries \
     Where (gov_form = 'Constitutional Monarchy' Or gov_form Like '%%Republic')) \
Order BY inflation_rate; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
code inflation_rate unemployment_rate
0 AFG -1.549 NaN
1 CHE -1.140 3.178
2 PRI -0.751 12.000
3 ROU -0.596 6.812
4 BRN -0.423 6.900
5 TON -0.283 NaN
6 OMN 0.065 NaN
7 TLS 0.553 NaN
8 BEL 0.620 8.492
9 CAN 1.132 6.900
10 MNE 1.204 NaN
11 SRB 1.392 18.200
12 AUS 1.461 6.058
13 QAT 1.814 NaN
14 BHR 1.836 NaN
15 WSM 1.923 NaN
16 MYS 2.104 3.100
17 SAU 2.189 5.591
18 HKG 3.037 3.296
19 KWT 3.233 2.072
20 ARE 4.070 NaN
21 MAC 4.564 1.825
22 SWZ 4.960 NaN
23 BTN 6.336 3.200
24 LBY 9.839 NaN
25 SSD 52.813 NaN Subquery review

Within which SQL clause are subqueries most frequently found?

Answer the question

  1. Where</strong>
  2. From
  3. Select
  4. IN

4.3. Course Review

  • In SQL, a Join combines columns From one or more tables in a relational databAse via a lookup process.
  • There are four types of Joins covered in this course

Types of Joins:

  1. Inner Join: also denoted As Join

    • Self-Joins: special cAse
  2. OUTER Join

    • LEFT Join: also denoted As LEFT OUTER Join
    • RIGHT Join: also denoted As RIGHT OUTER Join
    • FULL Join: also denoted As FULL OUTER Join
  3. CROSS Join: create all possible combinations between two tables

  4. Semi-Join / Anti-Join


  • Words appearing in ALL capital letters correspond to Joins having simple SQL syntax. Self-Joins, semi-Joins, and anti-Joins don't have built-in SQL syntax.

  • An Inner Join keeps only the records in which the key field (or fields) is in both tables. A LEFT Join keeps all the records in fields specified in the left table and includes the matches in the right table bAsed on the key field or fields. Key field values that don't match in the right table are included As missing data in the resulting table of a LEFT Join.

  • A RIGHT Join keeps all the records specified in the right table and includes the matches From the key field(s) in the left table. THose that don't match are included As missing values in the resulting table From the RIGHT Join query.

  • A FULL Join is a combination of a LEFT Join and a RIGHT Join showing exactly which values appear in both tables and those that appear in only one or the other table. A CROSS Join matches all records From fields specified in one table with all records From fields specified in another table. Remember that a CROSS Join does not have an On or Using clause, but otherwise looks very similar to the code for an Inner Join, LEFT Join, RIGHT Join, or FULL Join.

Set Theory Clauses

  • Recall that UNION includes every record in both tables but DOES NOT double count those that are in both tables.
  • UNION ALL does replicate those that are in both tables.
  • INTERSECT gives only those records found in both of the two tables.
  • EXCEPT gives only those records in one table but not the other.

Semi-Joins and Anti-Joins

  • When you'd like to filter your first table bAsed on conditions set on a second table, you should use a semi-Join to accomplish the tAsk.
  • If instead you'd like to filter the first table bAsed on conditions NOT being met on a second table, you should use an anti-Join.
    • Anti-Joins are particularly useful in diagnosing problems with other Joins in terms of getting fewer or more records than expected.

Types of basic subqueries

  • The most common type of subquery is done inside of a WHERE clause.
  • The next most frequent types of subqueries are inside Select clauses and inside From clauses.
  • Subqueries can also find their way into the ON statement of a Join in ways similar to what you've seen inside WHERE clauses too.

4.3.1. Final Challenge

Welcome to the end of the course! The next three exercises will test your knowledge of the content covered in this course and apply many of the ideAs you've seen to difficult problems. Good luck!

Read carefully over the instructions and solve them step-by-step, thinking about how the different clauses work together. In this exercise, you'll need to get the country names and other 2015 data in the economies table and the countries table for Central American countries with an official language.


  • Select unique country names. Also Select the total investment and imports fields.
  • Use a left Join with countries on the left. (An Inner Join would also work, but pleAse use a left Join here.)
  • Match on code in the two tables And use a subquery inside of On to choose the appropriate languages records.
  • Order by country name ascending.
  • Use table aliAsing but not field aliAsing in this exercise.

-- Select fields
Select Distinct,
-- From countries (with alias as c)
From countries As c
-- Join to economies (with alias as e
Left Join economies As e
-- Match on code in (c,e) and the c.code in official languages
On (c.code=e.code
And c.code In (Select l.code
From languages As l
Where official='true'))
-- Where region and year are correct
Where year=2015 And region='Central America'
-- Order by field
Order By name;

In [144]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select DISTINCT, \
                e.total_investment, \
                e.imports \
From countries.countries As c \
LEFT Join countries.economies As e \
On (c.code = e.code \
                And c.code IN (Select l.code \
                              From countries.languages As l \
                              Where official = 'true'))\
Where year = 2015 And region = 'Central America' \
Order BY name; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name total_investment imports
0 Belize 22.014 6.743
1 Costa Rica 20.218 4.629
2 El Salvador 13.983 8.193
3 Guatemala 13.433 15.124
4 Honduras 24.633 9.353
5 Nicaragua 31.862 11.665
6 Panama 46.557 5.898

4.3.2. Final Challenge (2)

Let's ease up a bit and calculate the average fertility rate for each region in 2015.


  • Include the name of region, its continent, and average fertility rate aliAsed As avg_fert_rate.
  • Sort bAsed on avg_fert_rate ascending.
  • Remember that you'll need to Group BY all fields that aren't included in the aggregate function of Select.

-- Select fields
Avg(p.fertility_rate) As avg_fert_rate
-- From populations (with alias as p)
From populations As p
-- Join to countries (with alias as c
Inner Join countries As c
-- Match on code in (p,c)
On p.country_code=c.code
Where year=2015
-- Group by continent and region
Group By c.continent, c.region
-- Order by avg of fertility_rate
Order By avg_fert_rate;

In [145]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select c.region, \
       c.continent, \
       AVG(p.fertility_rate) As avg_fert_rate \
From countries.populations As p \
Inner Join countries.countries As c \
ON p.country_code = c.code \
Where year = 2015 \
Group BY c.continent, c.region \
Order BY avg_fert_rate; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
region continent avg_fert_rate
0 Southern Europe Europe 1.426100
1 Eastern Europe Europe 1.490889
2 Baltic Countries Europe 1.603333
3 Eastern Asia Asia 1.620714
4 Western Europe Europe 1.632500
5 North America North America 1.765750
6 British Islands Europe 1.875000
7 Nordic Countries Europe 1.893333
8 Australia and New Zealand Oceania 1.911500
9 Caribbean North America 1.950571
10 Southeast Asia Asia 2.156000
11 South America South America 2.274750
12 Central America North America 2.326375
13 Middle East Asia 2.547056
14 Southern and Central Asia Asia 2.634143
15 Micronesia Oceania 2.864750
16 Northern Africa Africa 2.908167
17 Southern Africa Africa 2.990800
18 Melanesia Oceania 3.135800
19 Polynesia Oceania 3.244333
20 Eastern Africa Africa 4.386706
21 Western Africa Africa 4.960125
22 Central Africa Africa 4.967889

4.3.3. Final Challenge (3)

Welcome to the lAst challenge problem. Remember that these challenges are designed to take you to the limit to solidify your SQL knowledge! Take a deep breath and solve this step-by-step.

You are now tAsked with determining the top 10 capital cities in Europe and the AmericAs in terms of a calculated percentage using city_proper_pop and metroarea_pop in cities. Do not use table aliAsing in this exercise.


  • Select the city name, country code, city proper population, and metro area population.
  • Calculate the percentage of metro area population composed of city proper population for each city in cities, aliased as city_perc.
  • Focus only on capital cities in Europe and the Americas in a subquery.
  • Make sure to exclude records with missing data on metro area population.
  • Order the result by city_perc descending.
  • Then determine the top 10 capital cities in Europe and the Americas in terms of this city_perc percentage.

-- Select fields
Select name,
-- Calculate city_perc
city_proper_pop/metroarea_pop*100 As city_perc
-- From cities
From cities
-- Where the names from continent='Europe' or '%America' and metroarea_pop is not null
Where name In
(Select capital
From countries
Where (continent='Europe' Or continent Like '%America'))
And metroarea_pop Is Not Null
-- Order by city_perc in descreasing order
Order By city_perc Desc
Limit 10;

In [146]:
sql_stmt = "\
Select name, \
       country_code, \
       city_proper_pop, \
       metroarea_pop, \
       city_proper_pop / metroarea_pop * 100 As city_perc \
From countries.cities \
Where name In \
            (Select capital \
             From countries.countries \
             Where (continent = 'Europe' OR continent Like '%%America')) \
                       And metroarea_pop IS NOT NULL \
Order BY city_perc desc \
Limit 10; \

pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
name country_code city_proper_pop metroarea_pop city_perc
0 Lima PER 8852000.0 10750000.0 82.344186
1 Bogota COL 7878783.0 9800000.0 80.395746
2 Moscow RUS 12197596.0 16170000.0 75.433493
3 Vienna AUT 1863881.0 2600000.0 71.687728
4 Montevideo URY 1305082.0 1947604.0 67.009616
5 Caracas VEN 1943901.0 2923959.0 66.481817
6 Rome ITA 2877215.0 4353775.0 66.085523
7 Brasilia BRA 2556149.0 3919864.0 65.210146
8 London GBR 8673713.0 13879757.0 62.491822
9 Budapest HUN 1759407.0 2927944.0 60.090184
In [40]:
# close the connection

Intermediate SQL Using SQLite

Course: DataCamp: Intermediate SQL Notebook Author: Jae Choi

Course Description

The European Soccer Database contains data about 12,800 matches from 11 countries played between 2011-2015! Throughout this course, you will be shown filtered versions of the tables in this database in order to better explore their contents.

You’ve learned how to Joining Data in SQL from tables

  • This course will teach you to wrangle, filter, and categorize information in a relational database.
  • Learn the robust use of CASE statements, subqueries, and window functions
  • By discovering some interesting facts about soccer using the European Soccer Database.


In [41]:
import sqlite3
path = "/Users/Jae/Google_Drive_jae0325/DATA_SCIENCE/Portfolio/datacamp/"
database = path + 'database.sqlite'
# Unix/Mac - 4 initial slashes in total (3+1 in front of database)
#engine = create_engine("sqlite:///"+database)
In [55]:
conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
table_stmt = """SELECT *
              FROM sqlite_master
              WHERE type='table';"""
tables = pd.read_sql(table_stmt, conn)
type name tbl_name rootpage sql
0 table sqlite_sequence sqlite_sequence 4 CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)
1 table Player_Attributes Player_Attributes 11 CREATE TABLE "Player_Attributes" (\n\t`id`\tIN...
2 table Player Player 14 CREATE TABLE `Player` (\n\t`id`\tINTEGER PRIMA...
3 table Match Match 18 CREATE TABLE `Match` (\n\t`id`\tINTEGER PRIMAR...
4 table League League 24 CREATE TABLE `League` (\n\t`id`\tINTEGER PRIMA...
5 table Country Country 26 CREATE TABLE `Country` (\n\t`id`\tINTEGER PRIM...
6 table Team Team 29 CREATE TABLE "Team" (\n\t`id`\tINTEGER PRIMARY...
7 table Team_Attributes Team_Attributes 2 CREATE TABLE `Team_Attributes` (\n\t`id`\tINTE...

1. CASE Statement

Learn how to use the CASE WHEN statement to create categorical variables, aggregate data into a single column with multiple filtering conditions, and calculate counts and percentages.

1.1. Basic CASE Usage

CASE Statement Introduction

  • Contains a WHEN, THEN, and ELSE statement, finished with END.
    • Using AND to add multiple logical conditions to your WHEN clause.
    • If there is no ELSE, those don’t meet the conditions are NULL
  • CASE statements are great for…
    • Categorizing data
    • Filtering data with WHERE
    • Aggregating data
  • CASE statements will return any value you specify in your THEN clause.
    • This is an incredibly powerful tool for robust calculations and data manipulation when used in conjunction with an aggregate statement.
    • One key task you can perform is using CASE inside an AVG function to calculate a percentage of information in your database.

1.1.1. Example: Basic CASE Statement

In this exercise, you will identify matches played between FC Schalke 04 and FC Bayern Munich.

In [56]:
sql_stmt="""-- Identify the home team as Bayern Munich, Schalke 04, or neither
    CASE WHEN home_team_api_id = 10189 THEN 'FC Schalke 04'
         WHEN home_team_api_id = 9823 THEN 'FC Bayern Munich'
         ELSE 'Other' END AS home_team,
    COUNT(id) AS total_matches
FROM Match
WHERE country_id = 7809 -- Germany
-- Group by the CASE statement alias
GROUP BY home_team;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
home_team total_matches
0 FC Bayern Munich 136
1 FC Schalke 04 136
2 Other 2176

1.2. Complex CASE Statement

CASE & Alias

  • Remember, just like subqueries, you don’t need alias statement inside WHERE.
  • But you need alias statement inside SELECT, FROM.

1.2.1. Example: CASE Statements Inside SELECT, Comparing Column Values

Barcelona is considered one of the strongest teams in Spain's soccer league.

You will be creating a list of matches in the 2011/2012 season where Barcelona was the "home team". You will do this using a CASE statement that compares the values of two columns to create a new group -- wins, losses, and ties.

In [57]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT,
    t.team_long_name AS opponent,
    -- Complete the CASE statement with an alias
    CASE WHEN m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal THEN 'Barcelona win!'
        WHEN m.home_team_goal < m.away_team_goal THEN 'Barcelona loss :(' 
        ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome 
FROM Match AS m
ON m.away_team_api_id = t.team_api_id
-- Filter for Barcelona as the home team
WHERE m.home_team_api_id = 8634
  AND season = '2011/2012';"""
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date opponent outcome
0 2011-10-29 00:00:00 RCD Mallorca Barcelona win!
1 2011-11-19 00:00:00 Real Zaragoza Barcelona win!
2 2011-12-03 00:00:00 Levante UD Barcelona win!
3 2011-11-29 00:00:00 Rayo Vallecano Barcelona win!
4 2012-01-15 00:00:00 Real Betis Balompié Barcelona win!

Now, construct a query to determine the outcome of Barcelona's matches where they played as the "away team". Did their performance differ from the matches where they were the home team?

In [58]:
sql_stmt = """-- Select matches where Barcelona was the away team
    t.team_long_name AS opponent,
    CASE WHEN m.home_team_goal < m.away_team_goal THEN 'Barcelona win!'
        WHEN m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal THEN 'Barcelona loss :(' 
        ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome
FROM Match AS m
-- Join teams_spain to matches_spain
ON m.home_team_api_id = t.team_api_id
WHERE m.away_team_api_id = 8634
  AND season = '2011/2012';"""
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date opponent outcome
0 2012-01-22 00:00:00 Málaga CF Barcelona win!
1 2011-10-25 00:00:00 Granada CF Barcelona win!
2 2011-11-06 00:00:00 Athletic Club de Bilbao Tie
3 2011-11-26 00:00:00 Getafe CF Barcelona loss :(
4 2011-12-10 00:00:00 Real Madrid CF Barcelona win!

Barcelona's performance seems to be worse when they are the away team.

1.2.2. Example: Filtering with CASE Statement Inside WHERE

Generate a list of matches won by Italy's Bologna team!

In [59]:
sql_stmt = """-- Select the season, date, home_goal, and away_goal columns
FROM Match
-- Exclude games not won by Bologna
    CASE WHEN home_team_api_id = 9857 AND home_team_goal > away_team_goal THEN 'Bologna Win'
        WHEN away_team_api_id = 9857 AND away_team_goal > home_team_goal THEN 'Bologna Win' 
        END IS NOT NULL;"""
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
season date home_team_goal away_team_goal
0 2008/2009 2008-08-31 00:00:00 1 2
1 2008/2009 2008-12-13 00:00:00 5 2
2 2008/2009 2009-01-18 00:00:00 1 2
3 2008/2009 2009-01-28 00:00:00 0 1
4 2008/2009 2009-03-08 00:00:00 3 0

You now have details on every match in this database where Bologna won.

1.3. CASE with Aggregation

CASE with Aggregation Functions -CASE WHEN with COUNT(): Count the rows. -CASE WHEN with SUM(): Sum the values. -CASE WHEN with AVG(): Average of values, or calculate percentage.

1.3.1. Example: COUNT using CASE WHEN

Do the number of soccer matches played in a given European country differ across seasons?

In [61]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT AS country,
    -- Count matches in each of the 3 seasons
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.season = '2012/2013' THEN END) AS matches_2012_2013,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.season = '2013/2014' THEN END) AS matches_2013_2014,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN m.season = '2014/2015' THEN END) AS matches_2014_2015
FROM country AS c
LEFT JOIN match AS m
ON = m.country_id
-- Group by country name alias
GROUP BY country;"""
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country matches_2012_2013 matches_2013_2014 matches_2014_2015
0 Belgium 240 12 240
1 England 380 380 380
2 France 380 380 380
3 Germany 306 306 306
4 Italy 380 380 379

The number of matches played in each season seems relatively consistent across countries. Where do you see the largest difference?

1.3.2. Example: SUM and CASE WHEN with Multiple Conditions

In Python, you have the ability to calculate a SUM of logical values (i.e., TRUE/FALSE) directly. In SQL, you have to convert these values into 1 and 0 before calculating a sum. This can be done using a CASE statement.

Your goal here is to use the country and match table to determine the total number of matches won by the home team in each country during the different seasons.

In [62]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT AS country,
    -- Sum the total records in each season where the home team won
    SUM(CASE WHEN m.season = '2012/2013' AND m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal 
        THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches_2012_2013,
    SUM(CASE WHEN m.season = '2013/2014' AND m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal 
        THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches_2013_2014,
    SUM(CASE WHEN m.season = '2014/2015' AND m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal 
        THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches_2014_2015
FROM country AS c
LEFT JOIN match AS m
ON = m.country_id
-- Group by country name alias
GROUP BY country;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country matches_2012_2013 matches_2013_2014 matches_2014_2015
0 Belgium 102 6 106
1 England 166 179 172
2 France 170 168 181
3 Germany 130 145 145
4 Italy 177 181 152

1.3.2. Example: Calculating Percent with CASE and AVG

Examine the percentage of ties in each country in different seasons.

In [63]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT AS country,
    -- Round the percentage of tied games to 2 decimal points
    -- Calculate the percentage of tied games in each season
    ROUND(AVG(CASE WHEN m.season='2013/2014' AND m.home_team_goal = m.away_team_goal THEN 1
             WHEN m.season='2013/2014' AND m.home_team_goal != m.away_team_goal THEN 0
             END),2) AS pct_ties_2013_2014,
    ROUND(AVG(CASE WHEN m.season='2014/2015' AND m.home_team_goal = m.away_team_goal THEN 1
             WHEN m.season='2014/2015' AND m.home_team_goal != m.away_team_goal THEN 0
             END),2) AS pct_ties_2014_2015
FROM country AS c
LEFT JOIN match AS m
ON = m.country_id
GROUP BY country;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country pct_ties_2013_2014 pct_ties_2014_2015
0 Belgium 0.17 0.25
1 England 0.21 0.24
2 France 0.28 0.23
3 Germany 0.21 0.27
4 Italy 0.24 0.32

2. Simple Subquery

Learn about subqueries in the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. You will gain an understanding of when subqueries are necessary to construct your dataset and where to best include them in your queries.

2.1. Subqueries in WHERE

What is a Subquery?

  • A query nested inside another query.
  • Useful for intermediary transformations.
  • Can be in any part of a query: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY.
  • Can return a variety of information
    • Scalar quantities (Numbers).
    • A list used for filtering or joining.
    • A table to extract further transformation data.

Why Subqueries?

  • Comparing groups to summarized values.
    • Eg. How did Liverpool compare to the English Premier League’s average performance for that year?
  • Reshaping data.
    • Eg. What is the highest monthly average of goals scored in the Bundesliga?
  • Combining data that cannot be joined.
    • Eg. How do you get both the home and away team names into a table of match results?

Subqueries in WHERE

  • Used for filtering results.
  • Subquery can be evaluated independently from the outer query.
  • Is only processed once in the entire statement.

2.1.1. Example: Filtering Using Scalar WHERE Subqueries

Generate a list of matches where the total goals scored (for both teams in total) is more than 3 times the average for games in the 2013/2014 matches.

In [64]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT 
    -- Select the date, home goals, and away goals scored
FROM  match
-- Filter for matches where total goals exceeds 3x the average
WHERE season = '2013/2014' AND
      (home_team_goal + away_team_goal) > 
      (SELECT 3 * AVG(home_team_goal + away_team_goal)
        FROM match WHERE season = '2013/2014'); 
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
date home_team_goal away_team_goal
0 2013-12-14 00:00:00 6 3
1 2014-03-22 00:00:00 3 6
2 2013-10-30 00:00:00 7 3

2.1.2. Example: Filtering Using WHERE Subqueries with a List

Create a list of teams that scored 8 or more goals in a home match.

In [65]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT
    -- Select the team long and short names
FROM team
-- Filter for teams with 8 or more home goals
WHERE team_api_id IN
      (SELECT home_team_api_id 
       FROM match
       WHERE home_team_goal >= 8);
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
team_long_name team_short_name
0 Chelsea CHE
1 Southampton SOU
2 Tottenham Hotspur TOT
3 Real Madrid CF REA
4 FC Barcelona BAR
6 SL Benfica BEN
7 FC Bayern Munich BMU
8 Celtic CEL
9 Manchester United MUN

2.2. Subqueries in FROM

Subqueries in FROM

  • Restructure and transform your data
    • Transforming data from long to wide before selecting
    • Prefiltering data
  • Calculating aggregates of aggregates
    • Eg. Which 3 teams has the highest average of home goals scored?
  • You can create multiple subqueries in one FROM statement
    • Alias, and Join them!
  • You can join a subquery to a table in FROM
    • Include a joining columns in both tables

2.2.1 Example: Joining Subqueries in FROM

Generate a subquery using the match table, and then join that subquery to the country table to calculate information about matches with 10 or more goals in total.

In [66]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT
    -- Select country name and the count match IDs AS country_name,
    COUNT( AS matches
FROM country AS c
-- Inner join the subquery onto country
-- Select the country id and match id columns
INNER JOIN (SELECT country_id, id 
           FROM match
           -- Filter the subquery by matches with 10+ goals
           WHERE (home_team_goal + away_team_goal) >= 10) AS sub
ON = sub.country_id
GROUP BY country_name;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
country_name matches
0 England 4
1 France 1
2 Germany 1
3 Netherlands 2
4 Scotland 1
5 Spain 5

2.3. Subqueries in SELECT

Subqueries in SELECT

  • Returns a single value
    • Include aggregate values to compare to individual values
    • Used in mathematical calculations
  • Make sure you have all filters in the right places
    • Properly filter both the main and the subquery!

2.3.1. Example: Subqueries in SELECT for Calculations

Create a column to compare each league's average total goals to the overall average goals in the 2013/2014 season. Also, add a column that directly compares these values by subtracting the overall average from the subquery.

In [67]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT
    -- Select the league name and average goals scored
    name AS league,
    ROUND(AVG(m.home_team_goal + m.away_team_goal),2) AS avg_goals,
    -- Subtract the overall average from the league average
    ROUND(AVG(m.home_team_goal + m.away_team_goal) - 
        (SELECT AVG(home_team_goal + away_team_goal)
         FROM match 
         WHERE season = '2013/2014'),2) AS diff
FROM league AS l
LEFT JOIN match AS m
ON l.country_id = m.country_id
-- Only include 2013/2014 results
WHERE season = '2013/2014'
GROUP BY league
ORDER BY avg_goals DESC;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn)
league avg_goals diff
0 Netherlands Eredivisie 3.20 0.43
1 Germany 1. Bundesliga 3.16 0.39
2 Switzerland Super League 2.89 0.12
3 England Premier League 2.77 0.00
4 Scotland Premier League 2.75 -0.02
5 Spain LIGA BBVA 2.75 -0.02
6 Italy Serie A 2.72 -0.04
7 Poland Ekstraklasa 2.64 -0.13
8 Belgium Jupiler League 2.50 -0.27
9 France Ligue 1 2.46 -0.31
10 Portugal Liga ZON Sagres 2.37 -0.40

Games in the Netherlands tend to score the highest number of goals on average in this season.

2.4. Subqueries Advice

Must Know When Using Subqueries

  • Can include multiple subqueries in SELECT, FROM, WHERE
  • Format your queries
    • Line up SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and GROUP BY
  • Annotate your queries
    • Comment: / ~ /
    • In line Comment: -- ~
  • Indent your queries
    • CASE WHEN statement
    • Subqueries
  • Properly filter each subquery
  • Is that subquery necessary?
    • Subqueries require computing power

2.4.1. Example: Subqueries Everywhere

In soccer leagues, games are played at different stages. Winning teams progress from one stage to the next, until they reach the final stage. In each stage, the stakes become higher than the previous one.

Extract data examining the average goals scored in each stage of a match. Does the average number of goals scored change as the stakes get higher from one stage to the next?

In [69]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT 
    -- Select the stage and average goals from s
    ROUND(avg_goals,2) AS avg_goal,
    -- Select the overall average for 2012/2013
    ROUND((SELECT AVG(home_team_goal + away_team_goal) FROM match WHERE season = '2012/2013'),2) AS overall_avg
    -- Select the stage and average goals in 2012/2013 from match
         AVG(home_team_goal + away_team_goal) AS avg_goals
     FROM match
     WHERE season = '2012/2013'
     GROUP BY stage) AS s
    -- Filter the main query using the subquery
    s.avg_goals > (SELECT AVG(home_team_goal + away_team_goal) 
                    FROM match WHERE season = '2012/2013')
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
stage avg_goal overall_avg
0 38 3.17 2.77
1 36 2.90 2.77
2 33 3.10 2.77
3 31 3.06 2.77
4 30 2.87 2.77

You used 3 subqueries to generate a list of stages that have higher than average goals scored in matches.

3. Advanced Subquery

Learn how to use nested and correlated subqueries to extract more complex data from a relational database. You will also learn about common table expressions and how to best construct queries using multiple common table expressions.

3.1. Correlated Subquery

Correlated Subquery

  • Uses values from the outer query to generate a result.
  • Re-run for every row generated in the final data set.
  • Used for advanced joining, filtering, and evaluating data.
Simple Subquery Correlated Subquery
Can be run independently from the main query. Dependent on the main query to execute.
Evaluated once in the whole query. Evaluated in loops. Significantly slows down query run time.

3.1.1 Example: Basic Correlated Subquery

Practice using correlated subqueries to examine matches with scores that are extreme outliers for each country -- above 3 times the average score!

NOTE: The bottom query takes a while.

In [70]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT 
    -- Select country ID, date, home, and away goals from match
FROM match AS main
    -- Filter the main query by the subquery
    (home_team_goal + away_team_goal) > 
        (SELECT AVG((sub.home_team_goal + sub.away_team_goal) * 3)
         FROM match AS sub
         -- Join the main query to the subquery in WHERE
         WHERE main.country_id = sub.country_id);
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country_id date home_team_goal away_team_goal
0 1 2011-10-29 00:00:00 4 5
1 1729 2009-11-22 00:00:00 9 1
2 1729 2010-01-16 00:00:00 7 2
3 1729 2011-08-28 00:00:00 8 2
4 1729 2012-12-29 00:00:00 7 3

Correlated subqueries take longer to produce results, but they often prevent you from having to create multiple subqueries.

3.2. Nested Subquery

Nested Subquery

  • Subquery inside another subquery.
  • Perform multiple layers of transformation.
  • Can be used with correlated subquery.

3.2.1. Example: Nest a Subquery in FROM

What's the average number of matches per season where a team scored 5 or more goals? How does this differ by country?

Follwing is a nested subquery, that count the numbers of matches that score more than 5 in every seasons, for every country.

In [71]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT country_id, season,
         COUNT(id) AS matches
  FROM (
    SELECT country_id, season, id
    FROM match
    WHERE home_team_goal >= 5 OR away_team_goal >= 5) AS inner_s
  -- Close parentheses and alias the subquery
  GROUP BY country_id, season;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
country_id season matches
0 1 2008/2009 9
1 1 2009/2010 5
2 1 2010/2011 11
3 1 2011/2012 11
4 1 2012/2013 12

3.3. Common Table Expressions

Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

  • Query complexity increases quickly!
    • Information can be difficult to keep track of
  • How to use CTEs?
    • Table declared before the main query.
      • WITH cte_name AS(subquery)
    • Named and referenced later in FROM statement.
  • Why use CTEs?
    • Executed only once, then stored in memory
      • Improves query performance
    • Improving organization of queries
    • Referencing other CTEs
    • Referencing itself (SELF JOIN)

3.3.1. Example: CTEs with Nested Subqueries

Declare a CTE that calculates the total goals from matches in August of the 2013/2014 season. And according to the CTE, calculate the average goals of each country in August during that season.

In [72]:
sql_stmt = """-- Set up your CTE
WITH match_list AS (
       (home_team_goal + away_team_goal) AS goals
    FROM match
    -- Create a list of match IDs to filter data in the CTE
    WHERE id IN (
       SELECT id
       FROM match
                                   -- EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) = 08 -- Postgres Syntax
       WHERE season = '2013/2014' AND STRFTIME('%m', date) = '08'))
-- Select the league name and average of goals in the CTE
FROM league AS l
-- Join the CTE onto the league table
LEFT JOIN match_list ON = match_list.country_id
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
name AVG(goals)
0 Belgium Jupiler League NaN
1 England Premier League 2.000000
2 France Ligue 1 2.027027
3 Germany 1. Bundesliga 3.235294
4 Italy Serie A 2.750000

3.4. Wrap-Up: Which to Use?

Differentiating What You’ve Learned

Joins Correlated Subqueries
Combine 2+ tables Match subqueries & tables
Simple Avoid limits of joins.
Operations / Aggregations High processing time
Eg: What is the total sales per employee? Eg: Who does each employee report to in a company?
Multiple/Nested Subqueries Common Table Expressions
Multi-step transformations Organize subqueries sequentially
Improve accuracy and reproducibility Can reference other CTEs
Eg: What is the average deal size closed by each sales representative in the quarter? Eg: How did the marketing,sales, growth, & engineering teams perform on key metrics?

Q: How do you get both the home and away team names into one final query result?

3.4.1. Example: With a Subquery

In [73]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT,
    -- Get the home and away team names
FROM match AS m
-- Join the home subquery to the match table
  SELECT, team.team_long_name AS hometeam
  FROM match
  LEFT JOIN team
  ON match.home_team_api_id = team.team_api_id) AS home
ON =
-- Join the away subquery to the match table
  SELECT, team.team_long_name AS awayteam
  FROM match
  LEFT JOIN team
  -- Get the away team ID in the subquery
  ON match.away_team_api_id = team.team_api_id) AS away
ON =;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date hometeam awayteam home_team_goal away_team_goal
0 2008-08-17 00:00:00 KRC Genk Beerschot AC 1 1
1 2008-08-16 00:00:00 SV Zulte-Waregem Sporting Lokeren 0 0
2 2008-08-16 00:00:00 KSV Cercle Brugge RSC Anderlecht 0 3
3 2008-08-17 00:00:00 KAA Gent RAEC Mons 5 0
4 2008-08-16 00:00:00 FCV Dender EH Standard de Liège 1 3

3.4.2. Example: With Correlated Subqueries

In [74]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT,
    (SELECT team_long_name
     FROM team AS t
     WHERE t.team_api_id = m.home_team_api_id) AS hometeam,
    -- Connect the team to the match table
    (SELECT team_long_name
     FROM team AS t
     WHERE t.team_api_id = m.away_team_api_id) AS awayteam,
    -- Select home and away goals
FROM match AS m;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date hometeam awayteam home_team_goal away_team_goal
0 2008-08-17 00:00:00 KRC Genk Beerschot AC 1 1
1 2008-08-16 00:00:00 SV Zulte-Waregem Sporting Lokeren 0 0
2 2008-08-16 00:00:00 KSV Cercle Brugge RSC Anderlecht 0 3
3 2008-08-17 00:00:00 KAA Gent RAEC Mons 5 0
4 2008-08-16 00:00:00 FCV Dender EH Standard de Liège 1 3

3.4.3. Example: With CTEs

In [75]:
sql_stmt = """WITH home AS (
         t.team_long_name AS hometeam, m.home_team_goal
  FROM match AS m
  LEFT JOIN team AS t 
  ON m.home_team_api_id = t.team_api_id),
-- Declare and set up the away CTE
away AS (
         t.team_long_name AS awayteam, m.away_team_goal
  FROM match AS m
  LEFT JOIN team AS t 
  ON m.away_team_api_id = t.team_api_id)
-- Select date, home_goal, and away_goal
-- Join away and home on the id column
FROM home
ON =;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date hometeam awayteam home_team_goal away_team_goal
0 2008-08-17 00:00:00 KRC Genk Beerschot AC 1 1
1 2008-08-16 00:00:00 SV Zulte-Waregem Sporting Lokeren 0 0
2 2008-08-16 00:00:00 KSV Cercle Brugge RSC Anderlecht 0 3
3 2008-08-17 00:00:00 KAA Gent RAEC Mons 5 0
4 2008-08-16 00:00:00 FCV Dender EH Standard de Liège 1 3

You now know three separate ways to manipulate and transform data to produce a complex query result! This is a great set of skills to have when working with complex relational databases!

4. Window Functions

Learn about window functions and how to pass aggregate functions along a dataset. You will also learn how to calculate running totals and partitioned averages.

4.1. Window Functions

Why Need Window Functions?

  • When working with AGGREGATE values, may want to use GROUP BY
    • Requires you to use GROUP BY with all non-aggregate columns, otherwise, raise ERROR.
In [77]:
####### GIVES ERROR #######
# sql_stmt = """SELECT
#   country_id,
#   season,
#   date,
#   AVG(home_goal) AS avg_home
# FROM match
# GROUP BY country_id;
# """
# pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
  • Solution: Introducing window functions!
    • Aggregate calculations
    • Similar to subqueries in SELECT
    • Running totals, rankings, moving averages
  • Key differences
    • Processed after every part of query except ORDER BY
      • Uses information in result set rather than database
      • That is, unlike subquery, window functions apply your WHERE statement
    • Available in PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server…
      • …but NOT SQLite (Now available after v3.25)
  • Basic Syntax: Window_Func(.) OVER(...)

4.1.1. Example: Ranking with RANK() & ORDER BY

Create a data set of ranked matches according to which leagues, on average, score the most goals in a match.

  • RANK(): The window funciton using here
    • Create a RANK of information according to any variable to sort your data.
    • Need to specify what column/calculation you want to use to calculate your rank.
  • ORDER BY: The sub-clause using here
    • Execute the window function based on the order specified here.
In [78]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT 
    -- Select the league name and average goals scored AS league,
    AVG(m.home_team_goal + m.away_team_goal) AS avg_goals,
    -- Rank each league according to the average goals
    RANK() OVER(ORDER BY AVG(m.home_team_goal + m.away_team_goal) DESC) AS league_rank
FROM league AS l
LEFT JOIN match AS m 
ON = m.country_id
WHERE m.season = '2011/2012'
-- Order the query by the rank you created
ORDER BY league_rank;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
league avg_goals league_rank
0 Netherlands Eredivisie 3.258170 1
1 Belgium Jupiler League 2.879167 2
2 Germany 1. Bundesliga 2.859477 3
3 England Premier League 2.805263 4
4 Spain LIGA BBVA 2.763158 5

Unlike a subquery in SELECT, your window function will apply the filter that you include in your WHERE clause.

4.2. Window Partition


  • Calculate separate values for different categories
  • Calculate different calculations in the same column
  • Can partition data by 1 or more columns
  • Can partition aggregate calculations, ranks, etc

4.2.1. Example: PARTITION BY Multiple Columns

Calculate the average number home and away goals scored Legia Warszawa, and their opponents, partitioned by the month in each season.

In [79]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT 
    CASE WHEN home_team_api_id = 8673 THEN 'home' 
         ELSE 'away' END AS warsaw_location,
    -- Calculate average goals partitioned by season and month
    AVG(home_team_goal) OVER(PARTITION BY season, 
          -- EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) -- Postgres Syntax
            STRFTIME('%m', date)) AS season_mo_home,
    AVG(away_team_goal) OVER(PARTITION BY season,
          -- EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) -- Postgres Syntax
          STRFTIME('%m', date)) AS season_mo_away
FROM match
    home_team_api_id = 8673 
    OR away_team_api_id = 8673
ORDER BY (home_team_goal + away_team_goal) DESC;
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date season home_team_goal away_team_goal warsaw_location season_mo_home season_mo_away
0 2013-09-14 00:00:00 2013/2014 3 5 away 2.25 2.500000
1 2009-10-24 00:00:00 2009/2010 5 2 home 2.50 0.750000
2 2011-05-25 00:00:00 2010/2011 2 5 away 2.00 1.166667
3 2014-09-13 00:00:00 2014/2015 4 3 home 2.00 2.666667
4 2011-02-25 00:00:00 2010/2011 3 3 away 3.00 3.000000

4.3. Sliding Windows

Sliding Windows

  • Perform calculations relative to the current row (default)
    • n PRECEDING: Select from n row before the current one
    • FOLLOWING: Select until n row after the current one
    • UNBOUNDED PRECEDING: Select from the beginning of the column/partition
    • UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING: Select to the end of the column/partition
  • Can be used to calculate running totals, sums, averages, etc
  • Can also be partitioned by one or more columns

4.3.1. Example: Sliding Window to the End

Sorting the data set in reverse order and calculating a backward running total from the CURRENT ROW to the end of the data set (earliest record).

In [80]:
sql_stmt = """SELECT 
    -- Select the date, home goal, and away goals
    -- Create a running total and running average of home goals
    SUM(home_team_goal) OVER(ORDER BY date DESC
    AVG(home_team_goal) OVER(ORDER BY date DESC
FROM match
    away_team_api_id = 9908 
    AND season = '2011/2012';
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date home_team_goal away_team_goal running_total running_avg
0 2012-05-06 00:00:00 1 3 25 1.470588
1 2012-04-21 00:00:00 0 2 24 1.500000
2 2012-04-12 00:00:00 3 0 24 1.600000
3 2012-03-25 00:00:00 3 1 21 1.500000
4 2012-03-11 00:00:00 1 1 18 1.384615

4.4. Case Study: Rivals of MU

Q: How badly did Manchester United (MU) lose in each match?

  • Setting up the home team CTE
  • Setting up the away team CTE
  • Join two CTEs together
  • Add a window function that rank the loses
In [81]:
sql_stmt = """-- Set up the home team CTE
WITH home AS (
  SELECT, t.team_long_name,
      CASE WHEN m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal THEN 'MU Win'
           WHEN m.home_team_goal < m.away_team_goal THEN 'MU Loss' 
           ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome
  FROM match AS m
  LEFT JOIN team AS t ON m.home_team_api_id = t.team_api_id),

-- Set up the away team CTE
away AS (
  SELECT, t.team_long_name,
      CASE WHEN m.home_team_goal > m.away_team_goal THEN 'MU Loss'
           WHEN m.home_team_goal < m.away_team_goal THEN 'MU Win' 
           ELSE 'Tie' END AS outcome
  FROM match AS m
  LEFT JOIN team AS t ON m.away_team_api_id = t.team_api_id)

-- Select columns and and rank the matches by date
    home.team_long_name AS home_team,
    away.team_long_name AS away_team,
    m.home_team_goal, m.away_team_goal,
    RANK() OVER(ORDER BY ABS(home_team_goal - away_team_goal) DESC) as match_rank

-- Join the CTEs onto the match table
FROM match AS m
WHERE m.season = '2014/2015'
      AND ((home.team_long_name = 'Manchester United' AND home.outcome = 'MU Loss')
      OR (away.team_long_name = 'Manchester United' AND away.outcome = 'MU Loss'));
pd.read_sql(sql_stmt, conn).head()
date home_team away_team home_team_goal away_team_goal match_rank
0 2015-04-26 00:00:00 Everton Manchester United 3 0 1
1 2014-09-21 00:00:00 Leicester City Manchester United 5 3 2
2 2014-08-16 00:00:00 Manchester United Swansea City 1 2 3
3 2014-11-02 00:00:00 Manchester City Manchester United 1 0 3
4 2015-01-11 00:00:00 Manchester United Southampton 0 1 3
In [82]:
# close the connection